发布对新闻组的回复。The following site has some great information to get started withJavaScript. They provide some great examples and then offer away to test different javascripts out there. Click upon one of theexamples you run across. http://w3schools.com/js/Hope this helps.Jim CarlockPost replies to the newsgroup. " Jim Carlock" <一个******* @>在消息中写道 新闻:MM **************** @ tornado.tampabay.rr.com ..."Jim Carlock" <an*******@> wrote in messagenews:MM****************@tornado.tampabay.rr.com..." ;伊丽莎白" < EL ******* @ nospam.com>写道: "Elizabeth" <el*******@nospam.com> wrote:你们都可以给我关于AJAX的书籍的最佳推荐吗?以下网站提供了一些很好的信息来开始使用 JavaScript 。他们提供了一些很好的例子,然后提供了一种测试不同javascripts的方法。点击您遇到的其中一个示例。 Can you all give me your best recommendation(s) for books on AJAX ? The following site has some great information to get started with JavaScript. They provide some great examples and then offer a way to test different javascripts out there. Click upon one of the examples you run across. http://w3schools.com/js/ 似乎是一个死链接,Jim ...我很熟悉Javascript 并寻找关于AJAX的快速入门;我从概念上理解它并且 真的需要一些好的代码示例来获取正式的实现和 现实应用程序的成语...谢谢 b $ b Elizabeth 希望这会有所帮助。 Jim Carlock 发布对新闻组的回复。 http://w3schools.com/js/that seems to be a dead link, Jim ... I''m well-acquainted with Javascriptand looking for a quick primer on AJAX; I understand it conceptually andreally need a few good code samples to pick up the formal implementation andidiom of real-world apps ... thanksElizabeth Hope this helps. Jim Carlock Post replies to the newsgroup. Elizabeth写道:Elizabeth wrote:" Jim Carlock" <一个******* @>在消息中写道新闻:MM **************** @ tornado.tampabay.rr.com ... "Jim Carlock" <an*******@> wrote in message news:MM****************@tornado.tampabay.rr.com..." ;伊丽莎白" < EL ******* @ nospam.com>写道:"Elizabeth" <el*******@nospam.com> wrote:你能给我最好的推荐书吗?关于AJAX?Can you all give me your best recommendation(s) for bookson AJAX ? 搜索CLJ档案,网站参考: < URL:http://jibbering.com/2002/4/httprequest.html> <网址:http://www.ajaxtoolbox.com/> [...]Search the CLJ archives, web references:<URL:http://jibbering.com/2002/4/httprequest.html><URL:http://www.ajaxtoolbox.com/>[...] http://w3schools.com/js/ 这似乎是一个死链接,吉姆 that seems to be a dead link, Jim < URL:http://www.w3schools.com/js/> [...] - Zif<URL:http://www.w3schools.com/js/>[...]--Zif 这篇关于书籍推荐:: AJAX的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-19 22:56