


In COM how does one verify that a pointer to a COM object still has a valid object on the other end?

我有一个问题,下面的这段代码尝试检查 m_pServer 指针是否仍然有效,但是当暴露该接口的应用程序被杀死时,这段代码使该应用程序崩溃.有人可以建议使用前如何检查指针吗?

I have an issue where this following bit of code attempts to check if the m_pServer pointer is still alive, however when that application exposing that interface is killed this bit of code crashes the application. Can anybody advice on how to check the pointer before using it?

if (FAILED(m_pServer->StillAlive())) { // do something }


This code fails if m_pServer is no longer in memory.

例外: Client40.exe中0x7728fbae(kernel32.dll)的首次机会异常:0x800706BA:RPC服务器不可用.


    kernel32.dll!RaiseException()  + 0x58
    rpcrt4.dll!RpcRaiseException()  + 0x3e
    rpcrt4.dll!NdrProxyErrorHandler()  + 0x28
    rpcrt4.dll!NdrProxySendReceive()  + 0xa4
    rpcrt4.dll!NdrProxySendReceive()  + 0x119
    rpcrt4.dll!NdrComplexArrayMarshall()  + 0x26d
--> Client40.exe!SlaveDriver::run()  Line 97 + 0x14 C++  //Runs while loop, to handle requests
    Client40.exe!DThread::tfunc(void * thisptr=0x0047e694)  Line 56 + 0xd   C++
    Client40.exe!_threadstartex(void * ptd=0x01b20e00)  Line 241 + 0xd  C
    kernel32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk()  + 0x12
    ntdll.dll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain()  + 0x63
    ntdll.dll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain()  + 0x36


在这里尝试执行的操作根本不可能.因为 m_pServer 存在于另一个进程中,所以您实际上是在问以下问题

What you're trying to do here is simply not possible. Because m_pServer lives in another process you're really asking the following question


This is simply not an answerable question in the world of windows (or linux / unix). You can never reliably answer the question because the moment the question is answered it's result can be invalidated. Process's can terminate at any point in time including between your check and the access of the COM object.


However a slightly different version of this question is answerable


The only way to approach a problem like this is to perform the operation in question and simply expect it to fail. If it succeeds then great you've answered the modified version of the question. If it fails then you need to interpret the failure to determine if the operation failed or the process is gone.


This is the only way to properly handle this situation.


08-20 11:24