在数据库中,表 MapDetail 具有外键MapHeaderID,它映射到 MapHeader 表中的pk(MapHeaderId)。
I have a one-to-many relationship between MapHeader and MapDetail tablestherefore there can be multiple mapdetails for a single mapheader.In the database, table MapDetail has foreign key MapHeaderID which maps to the pk(MapHeaderId) in MapHeader table.
我已经在EntityFramework Code-first中定义了它,如下所示:
I have defined it in EntityFramework Code-first as follows:
public class MapHeader
public int MapHeaderID { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<MapDetail> mapDetails
public class MapDetail
public int MapDetailID { get; set; }
public int MapHeaderID { get; set; }
public virtual MapHeader mapheader { get; set; }
.HasRequired<MapHeader>(md => md.mapheader)
.WithMany(mh => mh.mapDetails)
.HasForeignKey(md => md.MapHeaderID);
它不链接! mapDetail中的mapheader属性仍然为null ...我做错了什么?
It does not link!! my mapheader property inside mapdetail record/object is still null...What am i doing wrong?
代码 - 在RAZOR VIEW中写入
foreach (MapDetail geMapDetail in Model.mapDetails)
var term = geMapDetail.Term == 0 ? geMapDetail.mapheader.Term : geMapDetail.Term;
the code crashes on the above geMapDetail.mapheader since mapheader is null
select distinct md.yearid, md.assessmentid, md.resulttypeid,
concat(ah.name, ' - ', a.name) as Name, md.term, md.semester, md.month, md.week,
md.MapDetailID, md.MapHeaderID, md.ColourFormatType, md.ResultTypeIDs,
md.RowOrder, md.Attendance, md.EffectSize, md.Growth, md.IndicatorID,
md.TeacherNameRequired, md.AllowEdit, md.PageHeaderID, md.IncludePreviousTerms,
md.IncludePreviousSemesters, y.year
from mapdetail md
left outer join assessments a on a.assessmentid = md.assessmentid
left outer join assessments ah on ah.assessmentID = a.headerID
left outer join years y on md.yearID = y.yearID
left outer join assessmentresulttypes art on a.assessmentid = art.assessmentid
left outer join resulttypes rt on rt.resulttypeid = art.resulttypeid
where md.mapheaderid = 22;
public MapDetailResultSet Find_MapDetails(int mapHeaderId, int yearId, string classIds, int indicatorGroup, string indicatorIds)
var query = "CALL Find_MapDetails(@mapHeaderId, @yearId, @classIds, @indicatorGroup, @indicatorIds)";
MySqlParameter[] mySqlParams = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("mapHeaderId", mapHeaderId),
new MySqlParameter("yearId", yearId),
new MySqlParameter("classIds", classIds),
new MySqlParameter("indicatorGroup", indicatorGroup),
new MySqlParameter("indicatorIds", indicatorIds)
MapDetailResultSet mapdetails = new MapDetailResultSet();
using (var multiResultSet = DbContextExtensions.MultiResultSetSqlQuery(this, query, mySqlParams))
mapdetails.mapDetails = multiResultSet.ResultSetFor<MapDetail>().ToList();
//other result sets
return mapdetails;
我还在DBContext中禁用了lazyloading:(did not help)
I have also disabled lazyloading in DBContext: (didnt help)
public geContext(string connString):base(connString)
this.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
Database.SetInitializer(new MySqlInitializer());
select distinct md.yearid, md.assessmentid, md.resulttypeid,
concat(ah.name, ' - ', a.name) as Name, md.term, md.semester, md.month, md.week,
md.MapDetailID, md.MapHeaderID, md.ColourFormatType, md.ResultTypeIDs,
md.RowOrder, md.Attendance, md.EffectSize, md.Growth, md.IndicatorID,
md.TeacherNameRequired, md.AllowEdit, md.PageHeaderID,
md.IncludePreviousSemesters, y.year
from mapdetail md
left outer join assessments a on a.assessmentid = md.assessmentid
left outer join assessments ah on ah.assessmentID = a.headerID
left outer join years y on md.yearID = y.yearID
left outer join assessmentresulttypes art on a.assessmentid = art.assessmentid
left outer join resulttypes rt on rt.resulttypeid = art.resulttypeid
left outer join mapheader mh on mh.mapheaderID = md.mapheaderID
where md.mapheaderid = 22;
not the ideal way to do but it got me through anyway..i loaded the particular mapheader from the repository and then populated each mapdetail object in the list manually
MapHeaderRepository repMapHeader = new MapHeaderRepository("name=ge");
MapDetailsRepository repMapDetail = new MapDetailsRepository("name=ge");
MapDetailResultSet mapDetailResultSet = repMapDetail.FindMapDetails(mapHeaderId, yearId, classIds,
indicatorGroup, indicatorIds);
var mapHeader = repMapHeader.Get(22);
foreach (MapDetail md in mapDetailResultSet.mapDetails)
md.mapheader = mapHeader;
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