

我有一个由三个 select 子句组成的查询,如下所示:

I have a query made of three select clause like this:

select id, colors from table1
    union all
select id, numbers from table2
    union all
select id, names from table3


// table1               // table2              //table3
+----+--------+        +----+---------+        +----+-------+
| id | colors |        | id | numbers |        | id | names |
+----+--------+        +----+---------+        +----+-------+
| 1  | red    |        | 1  | ten     |        | 1  | jack  |
| 2  | green  |        | 2  | two     |        | 2  | peter |
| 3  | blue   |        | 3  | one     |        +----+-------+
| 4  | yellow |        | 4  | three   |
+----+--------+        | 5  | six     |
                       | 6  | five    |


Now I want this order for the results:

| id | colors |
| 1  | red    |
| 2  | ten    |
| 3  | jack   |
| 4  | green  |
| 5  | two    |
| 6  | peter  |
| 7  | blue   |
| 8  | one    |
| 9  | yellow |
| 10 | three  |
| 11 | six    |
| 12 | five   |

我该如何实现?(应该注意,order by 1,2,3 对我不起作用)

How can I implement that? (it should be noted, order by 1,2,3 does not work for me)



select @rn:=@rn+1 as id,colors from (
  (select @rn1:= @rn1+1 as rn,colors from table1,(select @rn1:=0)x order by id )
   union all
  (select @rn2:= @rn2+1 as rn,numbers as colors from table2,(select @rn2:=0.5)x order by id)
   union all
  (select @rn3:= @rn3+1 as rn,names as colors from table3,(select @rn3:=0.6)x order by id )
)x,(select @rn:=0)y order by rn ;


The idea is to assign a rn value for each table item and need to make sure that these values are always in ascending order


So if you run the query for each table you will have

mysql> select @rn1:= @rn1+1 as rn,colors from table1,(select @rn1:=0)x order by id;
| rn   | colors |
|    1 | red    |
|    2 | green  |
|    3 | blue   |
|    4 | yellow |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select @rn2:= @rn2+1 as rn,numbers as colors from table2,(select @rn2:=0.5)x order by id;
| rn   | colors |
|  1.5 | ten    |
|  2.5 | two    |
|  3.5 | one    |
|  4.5 | three  |
|  5.5 | six    |
|  6.5 | five   |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select @rn3:= @rn3+1 as rn,names as colors from table3,(select @rn3:=0.6)x order by id;
| rn   | colors |
|  1.6 | jack   |
|  2.6 | peter  |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

这里可以看到 table1 rn 的值为 1,2,3,....table2 值为 1.5,2.5,3.5,....table3 值为 1.6,2.6,....

Here you can see table1 rn values are 1,2,3,....table2 values are 1.5,2.5,3.5,....table3 values are 1.6,2.6,....

所以最后当你用所有 rn 对结果进行排序时,它会变成

so finally when you order the result with all rn it will be as



08-26 08:59