

我正在尝试使用VBA将Excel中的数据表导入到SQL Server 2012中。 excel表看起来像这样。

  TableID 2012 2011 2010 2009 
row 1 11 12 13 14
row 2 21 22 23 24
row 3 31 32 33 34
etc ..

(我把数字放在单元格中指定它们的位置,例如11 =行1,列1)

数据库表看起来像这样。 / p>

 标题:id |年| row1 | row2 | row3 |等等.. 
ExampData:TableId 2012 11 21 31 ..
ExampData:TableId 2011 12 22 32 ..

(这不包括主键列,可以是id和year的组合,也可以是 NEWID()


  INSERT INTO example_table(id,year,row1,row2,row3)VALUES('001','2012','11','21','31 ')



所以我设法让它工作。这是使用Excel 2010,SQL Sever 2012.





  public function import_data(TableID,vHeader As Variant,vRow As Variant,vData As Variant)


然后对于 INSERT 语句使用以下内容:

Dim vpush As String
Dim headerCount As Long
Dim rowTitles As String
Dim rowDatas As String
Dim i As Long

headerCount = Application.CountA(vHeader)

对于i = 1 To headerCount
rowTitles = VBA.Join(WorksheetFunction.Transpose(vRow),,)
rowDatas = VBA.Join(WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Application.Index( vData,,i)),',')
vpush =INSERT INTO example_table(id,& rowTitles& ,year)VALUES('&,和rowDatas和,& vHeader(i)&')
Next i

不要忘记 .Execute(vpush)。 / p>


  1. 在单元格类型 = import_data(并按 CTRL + SHIFT + A

  2. 选择TableId

  3. 选择标题列(选择列为所有行标题(这将是您的sql中的标题)

  4. 选择所有数据,表



I am trying to import a data table from excel into SQL Server 2012, using VBA.
Preferably with help of a UDF.

The excel table looks something like this.

TableID    2012  2011  2010  2009
row 1       11     12   13    14
row 2       21     22   23    24
row 3       31     32   33    34

(I placed the numbers in the cells to designated their position. For example 11 = row 1, column 1)

The database table looks something like this.

Header:        id   |  year  |  row1  |  row2  |  row3  |  etc..
ExampData:  TableId    2012      11       21       31       ..
ExampData:  TableId    2011      12       22       32       ..

(This doesn't include the Primary Key column, which can be either a combination of id and year, or a NEWID())

I know how to import specific columns, for example I could run the following code:

INSERT INTO example_table (id, year, row1, row2, row3) VALUES ('001', '2012', '11', '21', '31')

This works great for individual columns, but how would I go about making it work for the entire table (multiple columns and rows).


So I managed to get it working. This is using Excel 2010, SQL Sever 2012.
This assumes the row titles in excel are the same as the column headings in the sql.
This also assumes a similair layout of tables as in the question post.

To import data from Excel into the SQL server, using UDF we can do the following.
Create a Public Function in excel:

Public Function import_data(TableID, vHeader As Variant, vRow As Variant, vData As Variant)
End Function

And use your favorite connection method to connect to the database.
Then for the INSERT statement use the following:

'Declare the  variables
Dim vpush As String
Dim headerCount As Long
Dim rowTitles As String
Dim rowDatas As String
Dim i As Long

`Count the amount of columns
headerCount = Application.CountA(vHeader)

`Create insert statement
For i = 1 To headerCount
   rowTitles = VBA.Join(WorksheetFunction.Transpose(vRow), ", ")
   rowDatas = VBA.Join(WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Application.Index(vData, , i)), "', '")
   vpush = "INSERT INTO example_table (id, " & rowTitles & ", year) VALUES ('" & TableID & "', '" & rowDatas & "', '" & vHeader(i) & "')"
Next i

Don't forget to .Execute (vpush).

Than anytime you want to import a table, you will do the following in an excel worksheet:

  1. In a cell type =import_data( and press CTRL + SHIFT + A
  2. Select TableId
  3. Select the heading row (assumed always to be years here)
  4. Select column with all row titles (which will be the heading titles in your sql)
  5. Select all data in table

That should do it.
(P.S. If this is not the most efficient way, or you see improvements.. feel free to edit or add)


08-19 18:36