


I have the below table (sorry couldn't figure out how to post a table... in bold are the field names)

code desc 频道日期

1001 超市 10-oct

1001 A supermarket 10-oct

1001 B minimarket 15-dic

1001 B minimarket 15-dic

1003 餐厅 07-5 月

1003 A restaurant 07-may

1003 B bar 30-abr

1003 B bar 30-abr

1003 12-dic 餐厅

1003 A restaurant 12-dic

1002 B kiosk 10-oct

1002 B kiosk 10-oct


I am trying to get the latest record for each code and update it in another table where I have already all the codes I need to be updated (on this table I have the same fields but needed to update them to the latest)



1001 B minimarket 15-dic

1001 B minimarket 15-dic

1003 12-dic 餐厅

1003 A restaurant 12-dic

1002 B kiosk 1 0-oct

1002 B kiosk 1 0-oct




You can get the results using a query:

select t.*
from table as t
where t.date = (select max(t2.date) from table as t2 where t2.code = t.code);


I'm not sure what your other table looks like, but you could fix this into a query like:

update secondtable
    set val = (select channel
               from table as t
               where t.code = secondtable.code and
                     t.date = (select max(t2.date) from table as t2 where t2.code = t.code)

如果设置了多个字段,您也可以使用 join.

You could also use a join if more than one field were being set.


08-13 16:23