

现在我被困在我的Servlet中服务层),例如尝试从 RestaurantOwnerRepository 中检索所有 Restaurant 对象:

public List< RestaurantDTO> getAvailableRestaurants(){

List< Restaurant> availableRestaurants = restaurantOwnerRepository.getRestaurants(getSessionId());


其中 Restaurant 是一个 @Entity 注释类 - 这似乎是我不应该做的第一件事情,因为服务层现在知道一个非常低级的对象,它违反了尝试抽象我的数据在每一层。

如果我例如将每个 Restaurant 转换为 RestaurantDTO - 但我应该这样做吗?


  // RestaurantOwnerRepository 

public List< ;餐厅> getRestaurants(String sessionId){

RestaurantOwner restaurantOwner = this.get(sessionId);

// ..获得餐馆..

return availableRestaurants;

  // RestaurantOwnerRepository 

public List< Restaurant> getRestaurants(String sessionId){

RestaurantOwner restaurantOwner = this.get(sessionId);

// ..获取餐馆..


并且有一个util ConvertEntity

  public class ConvertEntity {

public static List< RestaurantDTO> convertRestaurants(List< Restaurant> restaurants){
// ...



要提到的一个重要的事情是,这将形成一个GWT项目。这意味着我正在使用例如因为它包含在共享项目中,所以在服务器和客户端上 RestaurantDTO 。



首先澄清一下:您的 RestaurantOwnerRepository 实现存储库模式。你的 @Entity 注释对象是hibernate实体,也是DAO代理。您的 RestaurantOwnerService 是一个只能返回与客户端和服务器共享的DTO的GWT服务。

因此,在一个非常简单的服务器端设置中,您有一个DB-Backend,通过hibernate作为持久层访问数据,服务层作为rest-service。在这样的设置中,您的hibernate实体在整个服务器端代码之间共享。例如,您的服务层正在将实体转换为json格式。 Deal?


  • 持久层

    • 用Hibernate(提供@ Entity-Annotated对象)

    • 也许还有其他的东西

    • 存储库层(您不清楚要返回什么)
    • 服务层(GWT Servlet,与客户端共享)


    您的问题:可以从Repository Layer返回DTO对象吗?


    为什么: 1.您的DTO是一个转换为可发送到客户端的格式的域实体。它有局限性,因此一些服务器端库不能用于它们。 2.考虑你还想提供其他服务层的情况。 REST接口也许是另一种GUI框架。它们对于转移域实体都有其自身的限制。你真的想复制每个服务层的存储库层吗? 3.考虑想要扩展存储库/业务层的情况,以便它使用 RestaurantOwnerRepository 的输出。你真的想在那里工作吗?



    I am trying to get an answer to the two quite similar questions here:


    Right now I am stuck in my Servlet (Servie Layer) that e.g. tries to retrieve all Restaurant objects from a RestaurantOwnerRepository:

    // RestaurantOwnerService (Servlet)
    public List<RestaurantDTO> getAvailableRestaurants() {
        List<Restaurant> availableRestaurants = restaurantOwnerRepository.getRestaurants(getSessionId());
        return null;

    where Restaurant is a @Entity annotated class - which appears to be the first thing I shouldn't do because the Service Layer does now know about a very low-level object which imho violates the attempt to abstract my data in each layer.

    That wouldn't be the case if I e.g. converted each Restaurant to a RestaurantDTO - but should I do that?

    Basically change:

    // RestaurantOwnerRepository
    public List<Restaurant> getRestaurants(String sessionId) {
        RestaurantOwner restaurantOwner = this.get(sessionId);
        // .. getting restaurants ..
        return availableRestaurants;


    // RestaurantOwnerRepository
    public List<Restaurant> getRestaurants(String sessionId) {
        RestaurantOwner restaurantOwner = this.get(sessionId);
        // .. getting restaurants ..
        return ConvertEntity.convertRestaurants(availableRestaurants);

    and have a util ConvertEntity for every entity like this for example:

    public class ConvertEntity {
        public static List<RestaurantDTO> convertRestaurants(List<Restaurant> restaurants) {
            // ...

    but this just does not feel like the best solution to me.. what could I do here?

    One important thing to mention would be that this comes form a GWT project. That means that I am using e.g. RestaurantDTO on the server and on the client side as it is contained inside a shared project.


    It's more clear now after your comment. Let's try again:

    First, some clarifications: Your RestaurantOwnerRepository implements the repository pattern. Your @Entity annotated objects are hibernate entities and also DAO proxies. Your RestaurantOwnerService is a GWT-Service which can only return a DTO shared with the client and server.

    So in a very simple server-side setup, you have a DB-Backend, access to the data via hibernate as a persistence layer, and a service layer as rest-service. In such a setup your hibernate entities are shared among the whole server side code. Your service layer is converting the entities to json format, for example. Deal?

    Your "advanced" setup

    • Persistence layer
      • with Hibernate (delivering @Entity-Annotated objects)
      • maybe other stuff, too
    • Repository Layer (unclear for you what to return)
    • Service Layer (GWT Servlets, delivering DTOs which are shared with the client side)

    Definition of Repository-Layer: In my opinion, it's an abstraction for different data/persistence layers. It doesn't provide business logic, which is more the purpose of a further business layer. The business layer compiles the outputs of the upper layer together, makes computations and returns the results. But looking according to your comment, this may also be the case in your repository layer. But it's ok for our clarification.

    Your question: Is it okay to return DTO objects from the Repository Layer?

    Answer: No, it is not really okay to return a DTO from the "repository" layer.

    Why: 1. Your DTO is a domain entity transferred into a format which can be sent to the client side. It has limitations so that some server side libraries cannot be used in them. 2. Consider the case that you also want to provide other service layers. A REST-Interface maybe, another GUI-Framework maybe. They all have their own limitations for transferring the domain entities. Do you really want to duplicate the repository layer for each service layer? 3. Consider the case where you want to extend your repository/business layer so that it will use the output of your RestaurantOwnerRepository. Do you really want to work on DTOs there?

    These are why the creation of a DTO is the purpose of a service layer. So the DTO is shared among the client side, and your service layer. In the same sense, you need objects, shared among the service layer and your repository layer. I call these domain entities. These are returned from the repository layer and used by the service layer. Again the same between the repository layer and persistence layer. The persistence layer for example returns the Hibernate entities which are used on the repository layer.

    In most cases, it is ok to propagate your objects from multiple layers downwards. So you can return your hibernate entites from the repository layer to the service layer. Newer versions of GWT even allow to use JPA-entities on the client side with a special setup. So your service layer can further return your persistence entities.


10-13 23:31