


I have an Azure Function with an input binding to an Event Hub.

public static async Task Run(TraceWriter log, string eventHubMessage)


When the function is triggered, how many messages does it receive per execution by default?

是1次执行= 1条消息吗?

Is it 1 execution = 1 message?


I have read the documentation and understand you can set these properties in the function's host.json file:

"eventHub": {
  // The maximum event count received per receive loop. The default is 64.
  "maxBatchSize": 64,
  // The default PrefetchCount that will be used by the underlying EventProcessorHost.
  "prefetchCount": 256


Does maxBatchSize mean I will receive 64 messages in 1 execution?



@Mikhail is correct. I'd just like to add the following:

  1. 如果您使用默认的EventHub-Trigger C#模板,则创建的函数每次执行将处理1条消息.
  1. 如果您需要每次执行都要分批处理,请更改以下内容:

  1. If you need each execution to process in batches, change the following:


a. In function.json, add the property "cardinality":"many" as shown here.


b. In run.csx, modify Function signature and process messages in a loop, e.g.,

public static async Task Run(TraceWriter log, string[] eventHubMessages){ foreach(string message in eventHubMessages) { // process messages }}

public static async Task Run(TraceWriter log, string[] eventHubMessages){ foreach(string message in eventHubMessages) { // process messages }}


The host.json configuration you specified in the question allows you to experiment with the correct batch size and prefetch buffer to meet the needs of your workflow.

主机崩溃,超时或分区租约丢失,从而导致检查点失败,因此功能执行可能过早终止.当功能执行再次重新启动时,检索到的批处理将包含来自最后一个已知检查点的消息.为maxBatchSize设置一个很高的值也将意味着您必须重新处理一个大批处理. EventHub保证至少一次交付,但不保证一次交付. Azure Functions不会尝试更改该行为.如果只有唯一消息是优先事项,则您将需要在下游工作流程中处理重复数据删除.

  1. Each Function host instance is backed by a single EventProcessorHost (EPH). EPH uses a checkpointing mechanism to mark the last successfully processed message. A Function execution could terminate prematurely due to host crashing, timeout or partition lease lost, resulting in an unsuccessful checkpoint. When the Function execution restarts again, the batch retrieved will have messages from the last known checkpoint. Setting a very high value for maxBatchSize will also mean that you must re-process a large batch. EventHub guarantees at-least-once delivery but not at-most-once delivery. Azure Functions will not attempt to change that behavior. If having only unique messages is a priority, you will need to handle de-duplication in your downstream workflows.


08-24 16:01