

在我的模型中,我定义了一些过程.该代码(由MySQL Workbench生成)包含DELIMITER定义,因此过程如下:

In my model I defined some procedures. The code (generated by MySQL Workbench) contains DELIMITER definitions, so the procedures look like:

-- schema
-- procedures
    DECLARE ... ;
    OPEN ... ;
    SET ... ;
    ... ;

现在,我需要通过 PDO 将SQL导入"到数据库中>.我试图将其作为 PDO#exec(...) 的输入,但注意到,在第一个DELIMITER定义的行上停止执行.

Now I need to "import" the SQL to the database via PDO. I tried to pass it as input for the PDO#exec(...), but noticed, that the execution stops on the line of the first DELIMITER definition.


I don't want remove the DELIMITER statements. So the the SQL code should remain the same.


How to use PDO to execute SQL code containing DELIMITER statements?




要了解原因,您需要了解mysql CLI和其他可以读取和执行转储文件的程序如何实际处理它.

To understand why, you need to understand how the mysql CLI -- and any other program that can read and execute a dump file like this -- actually handles it.


DELIMITER is not something the server understands.


DELIMITER is used to tell the client-side parser what the current statement delimiter should be, so that the client-side parser can correctly split the statements and deliver one at a time to the server for execution.

来自文档.请注意,每次在这里使用mysql时,它都是指mysql 客户端实用程序-而不是服务器.

From the docs. Note carefully that mysql, every time it is used here, refers to the mysql client utility -- not the server.

要重新定义mysql分隔符,请使用delimiter命令. [...]分隔符更改为//,以使整个定义可以作为单个语句传递到服务器,然后在调用该过程之前恢复为;.这样可以将过程主体中使用的;分隔符传递给服务器,而不是由mysql本身解释.

To redefine the mysql delimiter, use the delimiter command. [...] The delimiter is changed to // to enable the entire definition to be passed to the server as a single statement, and then restored to ; before invoking the procedure. This enables the ; delimiter used in the procedure body to be passed through to the server rather than being interpreted by mysql itself.

https://dev.mysql.com /doc/refman/5.7/en/stored-programs-defining.html


So, to handle such a file, you need a client-side parser that does the same thing mysql does... and here, the code you are writing is (needs to be) the client-side statement parser. So you are the one that needs to write the logic to handle the delimiter.


To do what you want, you have to interpret the DELIMITER statements, use them to keep track of the current statement delimiter, but do not send them to the server.


Then, you have to read through the input one line at a time, buffering what you've read, until you find the specified delimiter at the end of the line, and send the resulting statement to the server -- excluding the actual statement delimiter from what you send... so, for example, you would not send the ending $$ after the procedure body (unless the current statement delimiter is ;, which you can either send or not send -- the server doesn't care.) Then empty the buffer and start reading again until you see another instance of a delimiter (and send the statement to the server) or match a DELIMITER statement and set your code's current delimiter variable to match it so that you correctly identify the end of the next statement.


08-26 07:17