


Hello, as the title says, I want to make a spinning picture (smooth not like 4 images above eachother..).


But i have actually no idea how to make it smooth.



I don't know what "smooth not like 4 images above each other" means as an analogy.


Spinning would be to set the image as a PictureBox background image with the background image layout set to stretch and the PictureBox sized to either the size of the image or some aspect ration to the width and height of the image.

然后,您可以使用计时器以2为增量减小PictureBox的宽度,直到基本上为1,因为我不相信它可以为零.在执行此操作时,您必须向左移动PictureBox,以使其宽度减小,然后 PictureBox的中心保持在任何位置.

Then you could use a timer to decrease the width of the PictureBox, in increments of 2, until it is at 1 basically as I don't believe it can go to zero. And while doing that you have to move the PictureBox left such that as its width decreases then the center of the PictureBox maintains wherever it is located.

一旦PictureBox的宽度为1,就可以使用代码翻转图像,并增加PictureBox的宽度,直到它回到其初始宽度,并通过移动它的大小来保持PictureBox的中心在应有的位置增加.当PictureBox 达到其初始宽度后,您可以使用代码再次翻转图像并不断重复该过程.

Once the width of the PictureBox is at 1 you flip the image using code and increase the width of the PictureBox until it is back to its initial width, keeping the center of the PictureBox where it should be by moving it as its size increases. When the PictureBox reaches its initial width you flip the image again using code and repeat that constantly.



I suppose it would also be possible to spin an image just by drawing it and decreasing its size and increasing its size and flipping when necessary.

如何在Visual Basic Express 2010中制作旋转图像?


08-31 04:09