本文介绍了在 Windows 8 上使用 .NET 4 运行 ILMerge 工具的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们将 ILMerge 作为后期构建步骤运行,但在 Windows 8 机器上构建时遇到问题.

We are running ILMerge as a post build step and having problems when building on a Windows 8 machine.

ILMerge.exe 是一个 .NET 2 应用程序,因此应该能够在 .NET 4 运行时中加载/托管.但是,一旦我们尝试在 Windows 8 构建机器上执行 ILMerge,就会出现 Windows 功能对话框,提示它无法自动安装 .NET 3.5 (inc 2.0) 并且命令失败.

ILMerge.exe is a .NET 2 application so should be able to be loaded/hosted within the .NET 4 runtime. However as soon as we try to execute ILMerge on a Windows 8 build machine the Windows Features dialog appears saying it can't automatically install .NET 3.5 (inc 2.0) and the command fails.

如果我只是运行 ILMerge.exe/?在命令行上.

This also occurs if I simply run ILMerge.exe /? on the command line.

我尝试添加一个带有 supportedRuntime/requiredRuntime 的 app.config 文件,但没有成功.有谁知道我如何在不安装 .net 3.5 的情况下解决这个问题.

I've tried adding an app.config file with supportedRuntime/requiredRuntime but no luck. Does anyone know how I can resolve this problem whilst not installing .net 3.5 on the box.


-- 更新 ---正确添加了 app.config - ILMerge 开始执行但失败并显示无法加载 DLL 'mscorsn.dll':找不到指定的模块.

-- UPDATE ---Having correctly added the app.config - ILMerge begins execution but fails with "Unable to load DLL 'mscorsn.dll': The specified module cannot be found.

就在此消息之前,Windows8 再次提示安装 .NET 3.5 (inc 2.0).

Just prior to this message, Windows8 again prompts for .NET 3.5 (inc 2.0) to be installed.


ILMerge 工具重新编写,兼容 .NET 4.0,他们称之为 Gilma.这是链接:http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/17797/Gilma-GUI-for-the-ILMerge-Application-Revised-for

The ILMerge tool is re-written with .NET 4.0 compatibility and they call it Gilma. Here is the link: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/17797/Gilma-GUI-for-the-ILMerge-Application-Revised-for

我不太确定它是否可以在 Windows 8 上运行,但我希望它可以.:)

I am not very sure whether it will work on Windows 8 or not but I hope it does. :)

这篇关于在 Windows 8 上使用 .NET 4 运行 ILMerge 工具的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-21 03:57