




To list definition, so every item should have "increment" field. But when list items are created nothig happened. I have check the follwoing code:

  1. nodeService.getAspects(nodeRef)定义的项目方面,此列表中显示 cm:countable

  2. nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef,QName .createQName( http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0,可数))返回null。

  3. nodeService.getProperties(nodeRef)返回所有属性,但没有 countable 键。

  1. nodeService.getAspects(nodeRef) return all defined aspects for item, cm:countable presents in this list.
  2. nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, QName.createQName("http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0", "countable")) return null.
  3. nodeService.getProperties(nodeRef) returns all properties but no countable key is present.

我在露天资源中进行搜索,发现 CounterIncrementActionExecuter 是扩展的 ActionExecuterAbstractBase 并定义了 executeImpl ,但是:

I have search in alfresco sources and found CounterIncrementActionExecuter is extends ActionExecuterAbstractBase and defines executeImpl, but:

  1. executeImpl 在创建新列表项时不会被调用。

  2. ActionExecuterAbstractBase#isApplicableType 也不会被调用。

  3. ActionExecuterAbstractBase#isApplicableType applicableTypes 变量处看 CounterIncrementActionExecuter 中明确显示。因此,尚不清楚应如何填充它以及何时填充。

  1. executeImpl is not invoked at new list item creation.
  2. ActionExecuterAbstractBase#isApplicableType also not invoked.
  3. ActionExecuterAbstractBase#isApplicableType "looks" at applicableTypes variable which is not populatd explicitly in CounterIncrementActionExecuter. So it is unclear how it should be populated and when.

所以问题是- cm如何:可计数方面实际上在露天工作吗?

So the question is - how does cm:countable aspect actually works in alfresco?



As I see counter is incremented in java code. So is safe to use it with one database and multuple alfresco instances connected to db?



This aspect is used generally by Alfresco administrator.It automatically increments the value of a number (integer) property when node is hit by services. This will generally only be used by Alfresco Administrators

cm:countable 方面具有名为 cm:counter 的属性,

cm:countable aspect has property called cm:counter which keeps track of current count.


So, your code for fetching property should be.

nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, QName.createQName("http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0", "counter"))


Now it works based on policy which is tied to that aspect. So, whenever node is invoked that counter is incremented.


09-26 20:11