

我使用vb.net 1.1版在本地计算机上创建了一个Web服务(C:\ Inetpub \ www.root \ Confverter)。



- Service1.asmx page


Imports System.Web.Services

Imports System.Web

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Imports System.Collections.Specialized

Imports System。 Web.Services.Protocols

< System.Web.Services.WebService(Namespace:=" http://www.MyWebsiteAddress.com/Converter/Service1 ")> _



    'HelloWorld()示例服务返回字符串Hello World。



    <的WebMethod()> _
    Public Sub ProcessRequest(ByVal userKey As String,ByVal message As String,ByVal listen As String)//这里提到的参数将被发送到此Web服务

      ; Dim strcon As String

        strcon =" server = ip;数据库= dbname;开发UID = XXX; pwd = XXX"

        Dim objConn As New SqlConnection(strcon)

        Dim objTrans As SqlTransaction


        objTrans = objConn.BeginTransaction

        Dim strSQL As String =""

        strSQL =" insert into TableName(UserKey,Message,Voicelink)值"

        strSQL = strSQL +"('"& userKey&"','"& message&"','"& listen&"')"
        Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(strSQL,objConn)

        cmd.Transaction = objTrans

        cmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.Text





[/ code]

在本地envoirement上测试网络服务后,我发现它正在工作正常。 I&NBSP;将service1.asmx,service1.asmx.vb文件上传到在线开发Web服务器源代码的根目录,并将Converter.dll和Converter.pdb

执行此过程后,我通过[url] http://MyWebsiteName.com/Service1.asmx [/ url]测试了网络服务,并收到错误[I]"测试表单仅适用于来自本地计算机的请求" [/ I]。为了解决这个错误我 在Web服务的web.config中的web.cong文件中添加了下面提到的代码


< webServices>

  < protocols>

   < add name =" HttpGet" />

  < add name =" HttpPost" />

 < / protocols>

 < / webServices>在添加上述代码后,
[/ code]


现在第三方应用程序已经要求输入webservice的链接,该链接将在用户添加消息时收到命中,因此我将其作为[url] http://MyWebsiteName.com/Service1.asmx [/ url]。


所以,我认为,我的Web服务没有正确部署(我已经完成了处理文件和.DLL到开发服务器的工作)不足以从第三方获得命中)或者在SUB ProcessRequest中编写的代码无法从第三方应用程序接收

请注意我正在Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 20中创建Web服务03使用VB.net





I have created a web service on my local machine (C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Converter) using vb.net version 1.1.

Purpose of webservice: this webservice will be invoked by a third party website (say abc.com). User will add a message in a webpage of abc.com this message will be sent to the Webservice.

Below mentioned is the code that I have written for a web service to store the parameters/message sent by third party application.

-- Service1.asmx page
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols

<System.Web.Services.WebService(Namespace:="http://www.MyWebsiteAddress.com/Converter/Service1")> _
Public Class Service1
    Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService

    ' The HelloWorld() example service returns the string Hello World.
    ' To build, uncomment the following lines then save and build the project.
    ' To test this web service, ensure that the .asmx file is the start page
    ' and press F5.

    <WebMethod()> _
    Public Sub ProcessRequest(ByVal userKey As String, ByVal message As String, ByVal listen As String) // Mentioned here are the parameters will be sent to this web service
      Dim strcon As String
        strcon = "server=ip; database=dbname; uid=XXX; pwd=XXX"
        Dim objConn As New SqlConnection(strcon)
        Dim objTrans As SqlTransaction
        objTrans = objConn.BeginTransaction
        Dim strSQL As String = ""
        strSQL = "insert into TableName (UserKey,Message,Voicelink)values"
        strSQL = strSQL + "('" & userKey & "','" & message & "','" & listen & "')"
        Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(strSQL, objConn)
        cmd.Transaction = objTrans
        cmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.Text

    End Sub

End Class
After testing the web service on a local envoirement I found that it is working properly. I  uploaded service1.asmx, service1.asmx.vb files to the root directory of source code of online development web server and uploaded Converter.dll and Converter.pdb file to the bin folder of web server.
After doing this process i tested the webservice by [url]http://MyWebsiteName.com/Service1.asmx[/url] and recived error [I]"The test form is only available for requests from the local machine.".[/I]. To resolve this error I  added below mentioned code in the web.cong file of application not in the web.config of Webservice.
   <add name="HttpGet"/>
  <add name="HttpPost"/>
after adding the above code webservice was working properly through the browser.

Now the third party application has asked to enter the link of webservice which will receive the hit when user add the message, so I have given it as [url]http://MyWebsiteName.com/Service1.asmx[/url].

But when I try to send the message from third party application as a part of testing in a real envoirenment I should get a hit to the above mentioned URL (Web Service), But, I'm not getting a hit(Data is not saved into the database).

So, I think, either my web service is not deployed properly (the porcess I have done of coping the files and .DLL to the development server is not sufficent to get the hit from third party) or the code written in SUB ProcessRequest is not able to recieve the query string parameters from the thrid party application.

Please note that I'm creating the web service in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 using VB.net

Please help its urgent.





08-24 00:19