


Hi GuysI trying to implement my new payment method its working fine. But My requirement is little bit different. I need to redirect user to the payment gateway page. This is how I am trying to implement

当用户单击下订单"时,将调用我的Namespace_Bank_Model_Payment >>授权方法.我的网关说发送初始请求,基于给定网关的详细信息,发送URL&付款编号.在此网址上,用户必须重定向到客户实际付款的地方.在控制器成功与否中,我有两个动作.错误以处理最终响应.

When user clicks on Place Order my Namespace_Bank_Model_Payment >> authorize method gets called. My gateway Says send an initial request, Based on details given gateway send a URL & Payment id. On this Url user must be redirected Where customer actually makes the payment. I have two actions in Controller success & error to handle the final response.


As, this code is getting called in an ajax request, I can't redirect user to another website. Can anybody guide me how to accomplish it?


嘿尼克,这是我的代码,我已经实现了 Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session').

Save everything you need to decide where to redirect to in a session variable, again typically Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session').


Magento have a pretty solid, if messy, implementation of this for Paypal standard. You can checkout how they do it in app/code/core/Mage/Paypal/{Model/Standard.php,controllers/StandardController.php}.


09-23 13:20