

本文介绍了'无法为 Android 模拟器获取 wglGetExtensionsStringARB'的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


实际上,我在 Eclipse 中的 Android 应用程序有问题.当我运行我的程序时,它会给我一条消息,其中包含许多错误.因此,我将它们复制并粘贴在这里,以向您展示模拟器的确切问题.有什么想法吗?

Actually I have a problem with my Android application in eclipse. When I run my program, it gives me a message which is concluded of many errors.So I copied and pasted them here to show you what is the exact problem with the emulator. Any ideas?

Starting emulator for AVD
Failed to create Context 0x3005
could not get wglGetExtensionsStringARB
emulator: WARNING: Could not initialize OpenglES emulation, using software renderer.
could not get wglGetExtensionsStringARB
could not get wglGetExtensionsStringARB
could not get wglGetExtensionsStringARB
could not get wglGetExtensionsStringARB
could not get wglGetExtensionsStringARB
could not get wglGetExtensionsStringARB
could not get wglGetExtensionsStringARB


尝试将 RAM 设置为 512 Mb.它对我有用.

Try setting the RAM to 512 Mb. It worked for me.

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06-04 14:36