TIBCO has announced support for WCF channels back in April - has anything of that materialized by now??
在哪里以及如何下载这些新的WCF通道位,或者在哪里可以使用 TIBCO.EMS .NET客户端库的最新.NET 2.0 / 3.5版本?
Where and how can I download either these new WCF channel bits, or where can I get my hands on a current .NET 2.0/3.5 version of the "TIBCO.EMS .NET client library" ??
到目前为止,我们是一家与TIBCO没有任何联系的小型ISV,但是我们的一个大客户要求我们与他的TIBCO EMS系统进行互操作,而无法提供我们需要的技术背景信息:-(
We're a small ISV without any ties to TIBCO so far, but a large client of ours required us to interop with his TIBCO EMS system, without being able to provide the technical background info we need :-(
Thanks for any hints and pointers !Marc
跟进-2009年1月14日:在这里反应不多....那些使用TIBCO EMS的人-您如何与之交互,例如来回通信和发送数据?
Follow-up - 2009-Jan-14: Not much response here.... those of you using TIBCO EMS - how do you interface with it, e.g. communicate and send data back and forth??
我有机会从.NET签出本地 TIBCO.EMS.dll,以及它们的WCF实现,我的结论是:使用本机API。简单,简单,有效。
UPDATE (April 2010)
I've had an opportunity to check out the "native" TIBCO.EMS.dll from .NET, as well as their WCF implementation, and my conclusion is: use the native API. It's easy, it's simple, it works.
The WCF parts are horrendous. They're incomplete, very unconventional, they don't feel like a good WCF citizen. TIBCO only provides a transport element - you can't just use a ready-made emsBinding or something - you'll have to define that yourself. I was very disappointed - I had expected more from a company the size and reputation of TIBCO....
您的通信堆栈将是一个如果您直接使用Tibco EMS .NET客户端,则简单得多。它以JMS(在企业软件开发中广泛使用)为风格。因此,关于如何进行JMS编程的技术书籍很多。 Java和C#非常相似,以至于可以很容易地进行脑力转换,以将其应用于Tibco EMS .NET客户端编程。
Your communication stack will be a lot simpler if you simply use Tibco EMS .NET client directly. It's styled after JMS, which is widely used in enterprise software development. Hence there are a lot of tech books on how to do JMS programming. Java and C# are so similar that it's easy to do the mental translation to apply that to Tibco EMS .NET client programming.
Having designed and implemented a lot of communications channels for distributed applications, my experience has been the simpler the stack the more reliable and trouble-free in operation.
The problem with abstraction layers of the ilk of WCF is that there is almost always a leaky abstraction issue lurking somewhere.
这篇关于TIBCO.EMS .NET客户端/ WCF通道的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!