我们正在将使用Play 2.1.1的新应用程序部署到生产环境中,并且遇到了一些实际问题,非常有限的文档并没有太大帮助...
We are in the process of deploying a new application using play 2.1.1 to production and are having some real issues with it and the very limited documentation didn't help much...
So it was time to update to a new version, we ran our usual stop/upgrade/start scripts but they failed. For some reason, play was refusing to apply the evolutions. When starting it kept saying
This was even though we tried setting applyEvolutions.default=true
both through command line and in the application_prod.conf file. It also complained that
which doesn't make much sense to me since we are going up in version so the downs should not be applied anyway. But it seems this might have been the reason it was refusing to apply the evolutions.
在这一点上,我并不担心,因为我认为存在一些手动方法来应用进化.经过大量搜索后,似乎...在游戏1中提供了支持,但在游戏2中没有提供支持.在开发人员模式下,您只需按浏览器中的按钮即可应用演变,但在生产模式下,我找不到办法手动应用演变.这是真的还是我想念它?我真的认为这是一个重要的功能! (事后看来,我本可以手动应用脚本并禁用Evolution插件,但随后我将失去对Evolution的跟踪,这很有用.)
At this point I wasn't so worried as I assumed that there is some manual way to apply evolutions. After extensive searching it looks as though... There was support for this in play 1 but not in play 2. In dev mode you can just press a button in the browser to apply the evolutions but in prod mode I could find NO WAY OF MANUALLY APPLYING EVOLUTIONS. Is this true or did I miss it? I really think this is an important feature! (In hind sight I could have applied the scripts manually and disabled the evolutions plugin but then I would have lost the evolutions tracking which is useful..)
我还想知道您将如何备份"您的数据库,因为我确信在某个时候我们将达到一个关键点.如果有手动方法可以执行此操作,则可能会有一个可选的version参数来降级数据库.例如.如果您使用的是版本5,并且需要返回到版本4,请运行play apply-evolutions 4
I also wonder how you would go about "backing" your database as I am sure we will get to a point when we need to do that at some point. If there was a manual way to do this it would probably have an optional version argument to downgrade the database. E.g. if you are at version 5 and need to go back to 4 you run play apply-evolutions 4
which would then apply the downs from version 5 and update the evolutions db accordingly. I could apply the downs manually but then again the problem is the evolutions db will once again be in an invalid state...
Getting more desperate I tried all the settings I could find to get the server up again and added the -DapplyDownEvolutions.default=true
option. I assumed this setting would apply downs only when choosing to downgrade the DB (although there seems to be no such option) but what it in fact did was to apply the ups and then instantly apply the downs (I found this out later in troubleshooting as the server now finally started - without any message whatsoever - but gave a cryptic error message when visiting the site). Is that what this setting is supposed to do? If it is I can't understand why the setting even exists. I can't think of any scenario where you would want to apply ups and then instantly downs while migrating to a newer database version. Can someone shed some light on this setting?
At this point I could finally get the app running once again by manually re-running the appropriate "UPs".
At this point we are working on basically re-writing scripts for evolutions handling on our own to have some better control of what is run and to enable going back.. It would be much better to be able to use play functionality for this so I am hoping someone can shed some light on this. If not, maybe this rant can help someone in a similar situation...
已针对Play 2.5更新
Updated for Play 2.5
We're using Play's evolutions for production since about 3+ years and never had serious issues with it.
I recommend having a staging environment, where you run your evolutions against a test database first. The test database should have the exact same version as the production database. You WILL make mistakes in your evolutions, and this is a way to find them before they go to the production server.
For our production system, we have the following setting enabled:
The setting autoApply
makes sure that evolutions are applied automatically, without user interaction. Obviously, this is what we want when upgrading our production database.
For our staging/testing system, we have both settings enabled:
确保DOWNS演变也自动应用.我们不希望在生产系统上使用它,因为它可能导致数据丢失(因为DOWNS演变通常包含DROP TABLE等内容).
The second setting applyDownEvolutions
makes sure that also DOWNS evolutions are applied automatically. We do NOT want this on our production system, because it may lead to data loss (since DOWNS evolutions often contain things like DROP TABLE etc).
On the testing system however, if you're testing different branches or versions of your application, you may want to switch between different database versions. In this case, you may want to automatically down and upgrade your database as new branches are tested.
表来执行此操作. Play会跟踪应用的演变及其错误.最后一项显示最后一次应用的演变,以及遇到的错误.
Keep in mind that if one evolution fails due to an SQL error (on production or testing system), you'll have to restore the database to a sane state manually. You can do this by looking at the play_evolutions
table. There Play keeps track of applied evolutions and their errors. The last entry shows the last applied evolution and also the error that was encountered.
From the error message, you can usually track down the bad SQL and fix your evolutions script. You can then revert the database to the previous evolution version, and remove the failed evolution entry from the play_evolutions
table. Play then thinks that the new evolution hasn't been applied yet, and will run it again.