本文介绍了如何中止JDBC Postgresql CopyManager复制?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Is there a way to cancel the copying process started by calling copyIn() method in a separate thread?


Say, I have a list of csv-files which I need to copy from, getting maximum of database server power. So I create n-threads-connections for n-files, but I cannot find a way to abort a single operation if, for example, a wrong file has been chosen.


Killing threads does not work - COPY just keeps running.


The FutureTask<> class is used to create the threads, so there is a list of them - one for each csv.


Calling task.cancel(true) makes nothing in terms of copying process on the server. Only System.exit() can kill it with fire.



Uploader.java implements Callable

public static long uploadFile(final File file, final String tableName) {

    long status = 0;
    try {
        CopyManager copyManager =
           new CopyManager((BaseConnection) new DataSource().connect());
        FileReader reader = new FileReader(file);
        status = copyManager.copyIn(sql, reader);
    } catch (SQLException | IOException e) {
    return status;

public Long call() throws Exception {
    return uploadFile(file, tableName);

Upload files method body

for (File file : files) {
        FutureTask<Long> ftask =
                new FutureTask<>(
                        new Uploader(defaultTableName, file)



The solution was found, however it required some changes in code.

Upload files method body现在看起来像这样

for (File file : files) {
    Uploader uploader = new Uploader(defaultTableName, file);
    Future<Long> f = execService.submit(uploader);

    //save the Future to get the copy result when finished



Having this, we can easily call some Uploader's method where it is possible to just close the database connection and handle the exception properly. It will stop copying on the server.


I accept that the solution might not be the most elegant one, however it works, it works fast, and not much code is needed.



PostgreSQL doesn't actually support in-band query cancels.

当您从JDBC驱动程序请求查询取消时,它会建立新连接以发送取消消息. (这意味着如果您在max_connections处,取消操作将失败,这是不正确的.)

When you request a query cancel from the JDBC driver it makes a new connection to send the cancel message. (This means that if you're at max_connections a cancel will fail, which is kind of perverse).


The upshot of this is that you can do the same thing yourself:

  • 在开始复制操作之前,使用pg_backend_pid()获取工作程序的进程ID;

  • Use pg_backend_pid() to get the process ID of the worker before starting the copy operation;


When you want to cancel a copy, open a new connection and issue pg_cancel_backend(?) with the pid recorded earlier. If it doesn't stop, you can wait a bit then do a pg_terminate_backend(?).


These are ordinary SQL-level functions.


The only real issue is that the cancel and terminate requests are session-level not statement level. So they can race with statement completion and the start of a new statement, eg:

  • client1:复制开始
  • client2:连接以发送取消消息
  • client1:复制完成
  • client1:新的单独副本开始
  • client2发送pg_cancel_backend(...)


At this point, the second copy will be terminated, which may not be what you wanted. So you must make sure to use appropriate exclusion client-side to prevent this from happening, making sure any outstanding cancel requests are finished before starting a new statement.

IIRC JDBC驱动程序内部始终有相同的问题.这是团队真正想要取消特定的每个会话语句序列号的原因之一,例如(当前不存在的)pg_cancel_backend(pid, statementnumber)如果语句已经终止则由于错误而中止,而不是发送还是要取消.

IIRC the JDBC driver has the same issue internally anyway. It's one of the reasons the team really want a way to cancel a particular unique per-session statement sequence number, like a (currently non-existent) pg_cancel_backend(pid, statementnumber) that aborts with an error if the statement has already terminated, instead of sending the cancel anyway.

这篇关于如何中止JDBC Postgresql CopyManager复制?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-16 08:45