我正在尝试使用本教程在Mac上安装Memcached: http://tugdualgrall.blogspot.de /2011/11/installing-memcached-on-mac-os-x-and.html 但是当我尝试./configure它说:配置:错误:在$ PATH中找不到可接受的C编译器当我尝试使它说:制作sh:make:找不到命令sh-3.2#yum install makesh:yum:找不到命令sh-3.2#apt-get安装makesh:apt-get:找不到命令
I'm trying to install Memcached on Mac using this tutorial:http://tugdualgrall.blogspot.de/2011/11/installing-memcached-on-mac-os-x-and.htmlbut when I try ./configureit says:configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATHwhen I try make it says:makesh: make: command not foundsh-3.2# yum install makesh: yum: command not foundsh-3.2# apt-get install makesh: apt-get: command not found
I must mention that I have Xcode but it's still not working.I'm really new on Mac so please take that into consideration :)I would really appreciate your helpThanks!
如果您使用的是Xcode 4.3或更高版本,则默认情况下不会安装命令行工具(例如make).在Xcode首选项中,转到下载"选项卡,然后在组件"下按命令行工具"旁边的安装"按钮.成功下载并安装命令行工具之后,还应该在终端中键入以下命令,以确保所有Xcode命令行工具都已切换为使用4.3版本:
If you have Xcode 4.3 or newer the command line tools, such as make, are not installed by default. In Xcode preferences go to the "Downloads" tab and under "Components" push the "Install" button next to "Command Line Tools". After you have successfully downloaded and installed the command line tools you should also type the following command in the Terminal to make sure all your Xcode command line tools are switched to use the 4.3 versions:
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
Once everything is successfully installed you should see make
and other command line developer tools in /usr/bin.