本文介绍了如何将当前 git 分支的名称放入 shell 脚本中的变量中?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是 shell 脚本的新手,无法弄清楚这一点.如果你不熟悉,命令 git branch 会返回类似

I am new to shell scripting and can't figure this out. If you are unfamiliar, the command git branch returns something like

* develop


, where the asterisk marks the currently checked out branch. When I run the following in the terminal:

git branch | grep "*"


* develop



test=$(git branch | grep "*")

test=`git branch | grep "*"`


echo $test

,结果只是目录中的文件列表.我们如何让 test="* develop" 的值?

, the result is just a list of files in the directory. How do we make the value of test="* develop"?

然后下一步(一旦我们将* develop"放入名为 test 的变量中),就是获取子字符串.会不会是下面这样?

Then the next step (once we get "* develop" into a variable called test), is to get the substring. Would that just be the following?



I was playing around with that substring function and I got "bad substitution" errors a lot and don't know why.


* 被扩展,你可以做的是使用 sed 代替 grep 并立即获取分支名称:

The * is expanded, what you can do is use sed instead of grep and get the name of the branch immediately:

branch=$(git branch | sed -n -e 's/^* (.*)/1/p')

和 Noufal Ibrahim 建议的使用 git 符号引用的版本

And a version using git symbolic-ref, as suggested by Noufal Ibrahim

branch=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD | sed -e 's,.*/(.*),1,')

为了详细说明扩展,(正如 marco 已经做过的那样)扩展发生在 echo 中,当您使用包含 echo $test 执行 echo $test* master 然后*按照正常的扩展规则进行扩展.要抑制这一点,必须引用变量,如 marco 所示:echo "$test".或者,如果你在回显之前去掉星号,一切都会好起来的,例如echo ${test:2} 只会回显 master.或者,您可以按照您已经提出的建议重新分配它:

To elaborate on the expansion, (as marco already did,) the expansion happens in the echo, when you do echo $test with $test containing * master then the * is expanded according to the normal expansion rules. To suppress this one would have to quote the variable, as shown by marco: echo "$test". Alternatively, if you get rid of the asterisk before you echo it, all will be fine, e.g. echo ${test:2} will just echo master. Alternatively you could assign it anew as you already proposed:

echo $branch

这将像您想要的那样回显 master.

This will echo master, like you wanted.

这篇关于如何将当前 git 分支的名称放入 shell 脚本中的变量中?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-04 21:12