I'm trying to unzip a directory of 75,000 images for training a CNN. When unzipping using,
!unzip -uq "/content/BDD_gt_8045.zip" -d "/content/drive/My Drive/Ground_Truth"
not all images unzip. I have about 5,000 I believe. I tried doing it several times but then I have some duplicates. Is there a limit to the number of images I can unzip?
I'm currently stuck on how else I'm meant to get all files into my drive to train the model.
Colab's default 'unzip' binary doesn't work as expected. It seems to cancel the unzipping automatically after a few cycles. Run latest version of 7z and you are good to go.
# To extract with full paths
!7z x <filename.zip>
# To extract all the files in the same folder (ignore paths)
!7z e <filename.zip>
# To specify output directory, use '-o'
!7z x <filename.zip> -o '/content/drive/My Drive/Datasets/FashionMNIST'
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