


What is BODMAS and why is it useful in programming?


http://www.easymaths. com/What_on_earth_is_Bodmas.htm :

是(2 + 3)x 5 = 5 x 5 = 25吗?

Is it (2 + 3) x 5 = 5 x 5 = 25 ?

或2 +(3 x 5)= 2 + 15 = 17?

or 2 + (3 x 5) = 2 + 15 = 17 ?


BODMAS can come to the rescue and give us rules to follow so that we always get the right answer:


(B)rackets (O)rder (D)ivision (M)ultiplication (A)ddition (S)ubtraction

根据BODMAS,乘法应始终在加法之前完成,因此,根据BODMAS,17实际上是正确的答案,并且如果您键入2 + 3 x 5,它也将是您的计算器给出的答案.

According to BODMAS, multiplication should always be done before addition, therefore 17 is actually the correct answer according to BODMAS and will also be the answer which your calculator will give if you type in 2 + 3 x 5 .


Why it is useful in programming? No idea, but i assume it's because you can get rid of some brackets? I am a quite defensive programmer, so my lines can look like this:

result = (((i + 4) - (a + b)) * MAGIC_NUMBER) - ANOTHER_MAGIC_NUMBER;


with BODMAS you can make this a bit clearer:

result = (i + 4 - (a + b)) * MAGIC_NUMBER - ANOTHER_MAGIC_NUMBER;


I think i'd still use the first variant - more brackets, but that way i do not have to learn yet another rule and i run into less risk of forgetting it and causing those weird hard to debug errors?


Just guessing at that part though.

Mike Stone修正了Gaius指出的数学问题

Mike Stone Fixed math as Gaius points out


06-04 07:15