





I have an ActiveX user control what is displayed in the sapgui. This works fine.

Now I want to handle an event from the control to the ABAP code what was instantiating the control.

I know the handling with VB6 and the event id but how do it work with C# on ABAP side?
Thanks in advanced for answers


I found the solution if I asked for "C# events in VB6". The main thing is the interface of type dispatch and how to bind it to the class with the code. Here is  the code how I solved this:

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace SceSapGui
    public delegate void SceEventHandler(object text, EventArgs e);     // Definition of the event handler body (parameters)

    // Interface 1 (Dispatch)
    [InterfaceTypeAttribute(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIDispatch)]     // This interface is for the event handler (dispatch)
    [GuidAttribute("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001")]             // Anyone needs a different guid
    [ComVisible(true)]                                                  // Make it visible
    public interface ISceSapGuiDispatch
        [DispId(1)]                                                     // Define the eventid
        void SceClicked(object text, EventArgs e);                      // Event definition

    // Interface 2 (Methode and properties)
    [GuidAttribute("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002")]             // Anyone needs a different guid
    [InterfaceTypeAttribute(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)]          // This interface is for data in/out
    [ComVisible(true)]                                                  // Make it visible
    public interface ISceSapGui
        void Init(string @URI);                                         // definition of a methode
        string R3ReturnCode { get; }                                    // definition of a readonly property

    [GuidAttribute("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003")]             // Anyone needs a different guid
    [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)]                           // Prevent compiler to build automaticaly a default interface
    [ComSourceInterfaces(typeof(ISceSapGuiDispatch))]                   // Attach the dispatch interface (don't know why in this way and not by inheritance like interface2)
    [ComVisible(true)]                                                  // Make it visible
    public partial class SceSapGui : ISceSapGui                         // Main class derived by interface 2
        #region Interface member ISceSapGuiDispatch
        public event SceEventHandler SceClicked;                        // Event handler variable

        protected virtual void OnSceClicked(EventArgs e, string text)   // Call this if you want to raise the event
            if (this.SceClicked != null)                                // but make it only if someone attached to it
                this.SceClicked((object)text, new EventArgs());         // Raise the event

        #region Interface member ISceSapGui
        public void Init(string @URI)
            // ...

        public string R3ReturnCode
            get { return "0"; }




09-21 04:00