本文介绍了ADD 1 真的比 INC 快吗?x86的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我阅读了各种优化指南,声称 ADD 1 比在 x86 中使用 INC 更快.这是真的吗?

I have read various optimization guides that claim ADD 1 is faster than using INC in x86. Is this really true?


在一些微架构上,对于一些指令流,INC 会导致部分标志更新停顿"(因为它更新了一些的标志,同时保留其他标志).ADD 设置所有标志的值,因此不会冒这种停顿的风险.

On some micro-architectures, with some instruction streams, INC will incur a "partial flags update stall" (because it updates some of the flags while preserving the others). ADD sets the value of all of the flags, and so does not risk such a stall.

ADD 并不总是比 INC 快,但它几乎总是至少一样快(在某些较旧的微架构上有一些极端情况,但它们非常罕见),有时速度明显更快.

ADD is not always faster than INC, but it is almost always at least as fast (there are a few corner cases on certain older micro-architectures, but they are exceedingly rare), and sometimes significantly faster.

更多详情,请参阅Intel 的优化参考手册Agner Fog 的微架构笔记.

For more details, consult Intel's Optimization Reference Manual or Agner Fog's micro-architecture notes.

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08-15 18:16