本文介绍了OSX Safari帧加载中断的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a basic HTML website (with some javascript) using a simple anchor tag to download a file like so:

<a href="../resources/mexml/MexmlSamples-1.0.zip">Mexml Samples 1.0</a>

为了跟踪下载次数,我有 onclick 将事件传递给Google Analytics的处理程序,如下所示:

In order to track the number of downloads, I have an onclick handler that passes an event to Google Analytics like so:


在OS X上使用Chrome和Windows 7上的IE下载文件时,这可以正常工作。文件下载,我在GA帐户中看到了该事件。

This works as expected when downloading the file using Chrome on OS X, and IE on Windows 7. The file downloads and I see the event in my GA account.

当我在Yosemite上的Safari 8中测试时,文件 下载,但是GA很少看到这个事件。当然,我在Safari错误控制台中得到了可怕的无法加载资源:帧加载中断

When I test it in Safari 8 on Yosemite, the file does download, but GA only rarely sees the event. And of course I get the dreaded Failed to load resource: Frame load interrupted in the Safari error console.


I assume that I get the GA event sometimes because of a race condition between when Safari interrupts the action and when the GA code fires.

所以可以采取任何措施来解决这个问题。 Safari以便我总是得到GA事件?

So can anything be done to fix this in Safari so that I always get the GA events?


Note that my question probably has the same root cause as this unanswered question: Frame load interrupted when downloading excel files



I am now thoroughly confused. I just noticed that if I open up a new browser page to my site (in Safari), and click on the download, then it gets logged by GA. However subsequent clicks download still the file, but don't get logged by GA.


If I close that window, and open a new one, then again the first download gets logged by GA.


In contrast, when using Chrome every download gets logged by GA.


I am now thinking that I may be looking at the wrong problem. The behavior I am seeing is telling me that Safari is maintaining a state in JavaScript that allows the first GA call to go through, but blocks all subsequent calls.


But this is the same code being run by Chrome, so I don't know where to how to even start debugging the problem.



If you always want to get the ga event then the hitCallback is likely the only way to go until whatever is wrong with Safari is fixed. I use a similar pattern to send a GA event from a page in an app which is just a redirect after a whole load of database stuff has been executed in rails. There is no noticeable lag from adding the javascript redirect into the callback. However I am not sure how to initiate the download from javascript off the top of my head.

ga('send','event','Download','MexmlSample','MexmlSample-1.0', {
   hitCallback: function(){


I am not aware of any need to use the setTimeout() for pattern in this instance.

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09-05 11:40