


I know how package level protection in java works. I read a lot of code (including lots of open source stuff) and no-one seem to be using it. The whole protection level seems slightly faulty to me (I'd have c#'s internal any day of the week).


Are there any legit real-world use-cases that are in common use ?


A little too late after asking this question I realized I'd forgotten to exclude the "standard" pattern of package protected implementation classes, possibly providing implementations of public interfaces. Everyone uses those, as has been noted several times in the replies. I still think there are a large number of nice replies to this question.



There are two good uses for package level visibility (in my experience):


1) Defining "internal" classes in a public API. Commonly you would define your interfaces and core factories as public and the "internal" implementations as package level. Then the public factories can construct the package level implementation classes and return them as instances of the public interfaces. This nicely allows users to only access the stuff they should.

缺点是你必须将所有这些东西放在同一个包中,对于任何合理大小的API来说几乎都不是一个好主意。 / modules / 有望通过指定可用于的新的可见性修饰符(模块)来提供替代方案。跨模块访问模块中的类,而不会使它们在模块外部可见。你可以找到一个如何工作的例子。

The downside is that you have to have all this stuff in the same package, which almost never is a good idea for any reasonably-sized API. JSR 294/modules/Project Jigsaw in Java 7 will hopefully provide an alternative by specifying a new visibility modifier (module) that can be used to access classes within a module across packages without making them visible outside the module. You can find an example of how this would work in this article.


2) Unit testing is the other common use case. Frequently you'll see a src tree and a test tree and stuff that would otherwise be private is instead package level so that unit tests in the same (parallel) package are able to access otherwise hidden methods to check or manipulate state.


08-02 02:56