如何通过ReSharper为DNX项目运行xUnit 2.1.0-beta-*?
How to run xUnit 2.1.0-beta-* for DNX projects with ReSharper?
When the ReSharper do find the tests, it fails on running them with System.IO.FileNotFoundException that indicates the unit test assembly is not found.
根据我的理解,当使用Visual Studio 2015进行编译时,DNX项目不会在\ bin文件夹中生成程序集.是否有一种方法可以强制DNX项目生成诸如传统类库项目之类的程序集?
Due to my understanding, DNX projects do NOT generate assemblies in \bin folder when they are compiled with VisualStudio 2015. Is there a way to force DNX projects generate assemblies like the tranditional class libraries projects?
DNX tests aren't currently supported by ReSharper or the xunit plugin. It's a whole new execution model, and hasn't yet been implemented for ReSharper. I'd expect to see support as DNX and asp.net stabilise and near release.
这篇关于如何使用ReSharper为DNX项目运行xUnit 2.1.0-beta- *的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!