本文介绍了错误:安装 RVM 时出现修改器错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试运行 source/Users/alastair/.rvm/scripts/rvm,但继续:

I'm trying to run source /Users/alastair/.rvm/scripts/rvm, but keep getting:

Bad : $ (") 中的修饰符.


Where would the problem be? Happy to paste other files in if these would help.


在任何情况下,您是否都在运行不是 BashZSH 的 shell?Bash >= 3.2.25ZSH >= 4.3.10 是必需的.

Are you in any case running a shell that is not Bash or ZSH? Bash >= 3.2.25 or ZSH >= 4.3.10 is required.

您的问题看起来像您使用的是 RVM 不支持的简约 shell sh.

Your problem looks like you were using minimalistic shell sh which is not supported by RVM.

您可以在 /etc/passwd 中检查用户 shell 并使用 chsh -s/path/to/new/shell 更改它 - 允许的 shell 列表可在/etc/shells - 但一定要选择 Bash/ZSH,还要注意像 sh->bash 这样的链接将不起作用,因为 bash 根据调用的名称改变行为.

You can check user shell in /etc/passwd and change it with chsh -s /path/to/new/shell - list of allowed shells is available in /etc/shells - but make sure to pick Bash/ZSH, also note that links like sh->bash will not work as bash changes behavior based on the name that was invoked.

这篇关于错误:安装 RVM 时出现修改器错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 17:57