


I'm trying implement "pull to refresh" on a ListFragment but right now none of the drop in libraries seem to support it. There's no way to detect overscroll on the list fragment that I can see so I'm wondering if anyone has found a means to get this working?



Using Christian's tip I used the following for my onCreateView() method.

public View onCreateView (LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
   PullToRefreshListView listView = new PullToRefreshListView(getActivity());
   mAdapter = new HomeTweetListAdapter(getActivity(), R.layout.tweet_list_item, tweets);
   return listView;


Like Christian said you can only do this with a Fragment. Returning anything other than a ListView on a ListFragment errors out.


To clarify I am using Johan's PullToRefresh library


我实际上使工作中使用的碎片(未 ListFragment )。因此,它基本上是相同的,只返回 PullToRefreshListView onCreateView 的方法,就是这样。它还应该 ListFragment 工作;记住,你必须返回一个的ListView onCreateView 如果你使用 ListFragment (你可以返回任何你想要的,如果你只使用片段)。

I actually make it work using fragments (not ListFragment). So it is basically the same, just return the PullToRefreshListView from your onCreateView method and that's it. It should also work with ListFragment; remember that you must return a ListView from onCreateView if you use ListFragment (you can return whatever you want if you use just Fragment).


10-27 06:19