本文介绍了C发音问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 $ p $ b上周在课堂上见证了有人读了一个C程序给另一个人他们因为 不同而遇到了一些困难一些C语言术语的发音...那么怎么做?b $ b专业程序员发音这些东西? 1.''\ 0'' 2.''\ n'',''\ a'',''\ b'',''\ f''等 3. NULL,nul(如何区分这两个?) 4. char(我听过的3种可能方式是4a)就像第1个音节在 " character",4b)如char coal和4c)如car 5. Motif(如 ;动机或更像法语单词?) 6. x = y,x == y(如何区分这两个?) 7. ++ x,x ++,x + = n 8. argc,argv 谢谢 解决方案 坦率的代码不经常朗读。 null char 换行符,铃声,退格键,换页符。 3. NULL,nul(如何区分这两个?) 空指针常量,ASCII null。 我会选择4a 字典发音吧。 y分配给x,x等于y。 preincrement x,postincrement x,x plus equals n。 Aey-Aar-Gee-Cee,Aey-Aar-Gee-Vee。 欢迎光临。 坦率的代码不经常朗读。 null char 换行符,铃声,退格键,换页。 撇号反斜杠n撇号等 我知道所有ASCII特殊字都有单音节名称字符: " tick slide n tick"对于''\ n''等等。 请参阅术语文件中的ASCII: < http://www.ccil.org/jargon/jargon_16。 html#SEC23>。 空指针常量,ASCII null。 null和nul(拼写出来,因为它不是特殊的C标识符, 虽然ASCII null也很好) y分配给x,x等于y。 x等于y,x等于y preincrement x,postincrement x,x plus equals n。 plus plus x,x plus plus,x plus equal n Aey-Aar-Gee-Cee,Aey-Aar-Gee-Vee。 arg-cee,arg-vee - Thad 后退零,后退,后退啊等等 什么'' s nul? 我通常说''汽车''但是语言学研究支持候补 发音''tshar''甚至''shar' '。 http://www.ioccc.org/1990/ westley.c 和法语一样,但这不是C问题。 x等于y,x等于y? 我在这里看不到问题。 Plus-plus-x,x-plus-plus等 Arg-see,arg-vee。 - pa at panix dot com last week in class I witnessed somebody reading a C program toanother person and they were having some difficulties because ofdifferent pronunciation of some C language terms...so how doprofessional programmers pronounce these things? 1. ''\0'' 2. ''\n'', ''\a'', ''\b'', ''\f'', etc. 3. NULL, nul (how to distinguish these two?) 4. char (3 possible ways I''ve heard are 4a) like the 1st syllable in"character", 4b) like "char coal", and 4c) like "car" 5. Motif (like "motive" or more like the French word?) 6. x = y, x == y (how to distinguish these two?) 7. ++x, x++, x += n 8. argc, argvthanks 解决方案 Frankly code is not read aloud very often. null char newline, bell, backspace, form feed. null pointer constant, ASCII null. I''ll pick 4a As the dictionary pronounces it. y is assigned to x, x is equal to y. preincrement x, postincrement x, x plus equals n. Aey-Aar-Gee-Cee, Aey-Aar-Gee-Vee. Your welcome. Frankly code is not read aloud very often. null char newline, bell, backspace, form feed.apostrophe backslash n apostrophe, etc. I know that there are one-syllable names for all the ASCII specialcharacters for reading out loud:"tick slide n tick" for ''\n'', etc.See ASCII in the Jargon file:<http://www.ccil.org/jargon/jargon_16.html#SEC23>. null pointer constant, ASCII null.null, and n-u-l (spelled out, since it is not a special C identifier,although ASCII null is good, too) y is assigned to x, x is equal to y.x equal y, x equals y preincrement x, postincrement x, x plus equals n.plus plus x, x plus plus, x plus equal n Aey-Aar-Gee-Cee, Aey-Aar-Gee-Vee.arg-cee, arg-vee--Thad back-zero, back-enn, back-ah etc. What''s nul ? I usually say ''car'' but philological research supports the alternatepronunciations ''tshar'' and even ''shar''. http://www.ioccc.org/1990/westley.c As in French, but that''s not a C question. x equals y, x equals-to y ? I don''t see the problem here. Plus-plus-x, x-plus-plus etc.Arg-see, arg-vee.--pa at panix dot com 这篇关于C发音问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
09-26 16:24