本文介绍了将屏幕截图上传到 iTunes Connect 时出现奇怪错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试将新屏幕截图上传到我在 iTunes Connect 上的游戏页面,但是当我这样做时,我收到一个与现实和/或常识无关的错误.基本上,我上传了一堆具有正确分辨率、大小等的 iPhone 屏幕截图,并收到一条错误消息,说我没有.我开始觉得我做错了什么,尽管我很确定我没有做错.

I am trying to upload new screenshots to my game's page on iTunes Connect, but when I do that, I get an error that doesn't have anything to do with reality and/or common sense. Basically, I upload a bunch of iPhone screenshots with correct resolutions, sizes, etc. and get an error saying that I didn't. I am beginning te feel like I am doing something wrong, even though I am pretty sure I am not.

错误如下:您的二进制文件表明支持 iPhone/iPod touch.您必须提供 iPhone/iPod touch 屏幕截图."同样,正如您在下面的屏幕截图中看到的那样,我确实上传了这些屏幕截图.二进制文件是正确的,适用于 iPhone/iPod Touch 和 iPad.

The error goes like this: "Your binary indicates support for iPhone/iPod touch. You must provide an iPhone/iPod touch screenshot." Again, as you can see on the screenshot below, I have indeed uploaded those screenshots. The binary is correct and is targeted at iPhone/iPod Touch and iPad.

Chrome 和 Safari 都试过了,都无济于事.我已经给 Apple 的支持留下了一张票,但有时可能需要几天时间,而我没有那样的时间,因为如果没有这个,审批过程就足够长了.

I have tried both Chrome and Safari, all to no avail. I have left a ticket to Apple's support, but that can sometimes take days, and I don't have that kind of time, as the approval process is lengthy enough without this.



检查您是否正在上传高分辨率 (Retina) 屏幕截图.自 2012 年 2 月起,您为 iPhone/iPad 上传的屏幕截图必须为高分辨率(适用于 Retina 设备).苹果说:

Check that you are uploading high res (Retina) screenshots. As of February 2012, the screenshots you upload for iPhone/iPad must be in high resolution (suitable for Retina devices). Apple says:

高分辨率图片的要求是 960 x 640、960 x 600、640 x 960 或 640 x 920 像素.图像必须至少为 72 dpi,在RGB 色彩空间,文件必须是 .jpeg、.jpg、.tif、.tiff 或.png.

这篇关于将屏幕截图上传到 iTunes Connect 时出现奇怪错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-11 09:14