


Why the below code return 'server error' in GSuite Spreadsheet?

function test() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('1Wc6nKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0Ld6QyaY');
  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('2018.0801-0831');
  var img = DriveApp.getFileById('1qw2uy3cNxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxDZRES');
  var imgBlob = img.getBlob();
  sheet.insertImage(imgBlob, 9, 20);


The Image is JPEG, 276KB.With an image its size is 173KB, this code is working.Is it possible to insert large imageBlobs?


以我的经验,当按insertImage()插入图像时,限制是由于图像区域(pixels ^ 2)而不是文件的大小它.可以插入的最大图像区域为1,048,576像素^ 2.

In my experience, when an image is inserted by insertImage(), the limitation is due to the image area (pixels^2) rather than the file size of it. The maximum area of image which can be inserted is 1,048,576 pixels^2.


  • 可以插入以下尺寸的图像.
    • 1024像素x 1024像素
    • 2048像素x 512像素
    • 4096像素x 256像素
    • Image with the following sizes can be inserted.
      • 1024 pixels x 1024 pixels
      • 2048 pixels x 512 pixels
      • 4096 pixels x 256 pixels
      • 1025像素x 1025像素
      • 1024像素x 1025像素
      • 1025像素x 1024像素

      从这些结果中,我得出结论,插入图像的限制为1,048,576像素^ 2.

      From these results, I concluded the limitation for inserting image is 1,048,576 pixels^2.

      因此,如果要插入的图像区域大于1,048,576像素^ 2,请调整大小并重试.

      So if the area of image you want to insert is more than 1,048,576 pixels^2, please resize it and try again.


      If this was not useful for your situation, I'm sorry.


10-29 14:18