





" release"版本。这些库的发行版本是A,B和C


(。 lib和.dll)。

现在,因为这些库保持内部状态并调用每个其他的b / b $ b $如果调用者与发布链接版本一个


同时加载某些库的两个版本。 (对于







TIA - Bob



#ifdef _DEBUG

#pragma comment(lib," xerces-lb_2D.lib")

#pragma comment(lib," xalan-lb_1D.lib")


#pragma comment(lib," xerces-lb_2.lib")

#pragma comment(lib," xalan-lb_1.lib" )

#endif // _DEBUG



我已经使用了同样的东西的其他3rdParty库 -

通常在头文件中。 (比如RogueWave的黄貂鱼)

Dave Connet


#ifdef _DEBUG

#pragma comment(lib," xerces-lb_2D.lib")

#pragma comment(lib," xalan-lb_1D.lib")


#pragma comment(lib," xerces-lb_2.lib")

#pragma comment(lib," xalan-lb_1.lib")

#endif // _DEBUG

谢谢戴夫。不幸的是,这对我的情况并没有帮助。 (请看看我的第二个帖子看看
一个库和另一个库的发布版本然后事情就不用了b $ b工作正常。添加更多的库引用(尽管是正确的)


Hi all,

I have authored several native DLLs (call them A, B, and C). These
libraries have references between each other (A calls B which calls C).
These libraries are built and made available to callers both in "debug" and
"release" versions. The release versions of the libraries are A, B, and C
(.lib and .dll), while the debug versions are A_debug, B_debug, and C_debug
(.lib and .dll).

Now, because these libraries maintain internal state and call into each
other, ugly things happen if a caller links with the release version of one
library and the debug version of another library. At run-time, this causes
both versions of some of the libraries to be simultaneously loaded. (For
example, if the user calls into the debug version of A, which calls into the
debug version of B, and then the user explicitly calls into the release
version of B, then both B and B_debug would be simultaneously loaded, each
with its own internal state.)

So, how can I detect when a program references the debug version of one of
my libraries and the release version of another library? Ideally, I''d like
to put some magic into the source code that causes a linker error.
Alternatively, I guess I could have DLL initialization code that somehow
detects when more than one instance of the DLL have been loaded.

TIA - Bob


Another way is to specifically pull in the required library yourself:

#ifdef _DEBUG
#pragma comment(lib, "xerces-lb_2D.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "xalan-lb_1D.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "xerces-lb_2.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "xalan-lb_1.lib")
#endif // _DEBUG

(Obviously, this code was making use of the xerces and xalan libraries)
All you need to do is make sure the path is set to find the .libs.

I''ve made use of other 3rdParty libraries that do the same thing -
usually in a header file. (Like RogueWave''s Stingray)

Dave Connet

Another way is to specifically pull in the required library yourself:

#ifdef _DEBUG
#pragma comment(lib, "xerces-lb_2D.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "xalan-lb_1D.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "xerces-lb_2.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "xalan-lb_1.lib")
#endif // _DEBUG

Thanks Dave. Unfortunately, that doesn''t really help my situation. (Take a
look at my second posting. Hopefully it''s a little bit clearer than my
original posting.) If a caller explicitly links with the debug version of
one library and the release version of another library then things don''t
work correctly. Adding more library references (albeit correct ones)
programmatically doesn''t help things, since the linker may still wind up
linking with the incorrect library.


08-23 02:55