

我开始使用谷歌+ API,但我得到验证的问题,甚至在谷歌游乐场。

I am starting to use the google+ API, but I am getting problems authenticating, even in the Google Playground.


I want to do a very easy thing, which is get the circled people of my user, so, I use the scopes:





In both Google PlayGround, and in the API page https://developers.google.com/+/domains/api/circles/list which allows you to test it, both of them give me the response:

 "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "usageLimits",
    "reason": "accessNotConfigured",
    "message": "Access Not Configured"
  "code": 403,
  "message": "Access Not Configured"


It is strange, because it says that I my access is not configured, but it should be. I even try adding all the scopes of google+ domain API...



什么样的​​阿卡什说 - 检查API已启用。借助Google+ API域比主Google+的API不同,所以你需要确保同时启用:

Kind of what Akash said - check the API is enabled. The Google+ domains API is different than the main Google+ API, so you'll need to ensure both are enabled:

另外,还要确保你与测试用户是域的成员,并且具有相应的权限。这不是一般功能​​的API - 其专门为管理Google+帐户为谷歌Apps中的用户商业领域,所以你可能有麻烦,如果你与@ gmail.com用户或类似测试它

Also make sure that the user you're testing with is a member of the domain, and you have appropriate permissions. This isn't an API for general functionality - its specifically for managing the Google+ accounts for users within a Google Apps for Business domain, so you might have trouble if you're testing it with a @gmail.com user or similar.


07-20 16:51