

我有一个netstandard2.0项目,用于与第三方Web服务进行交互.在相同的解决方案中,我需要从一个较旧的.net 4.6.2项目中引用该项目,但是当我这样做时,会出现一堆关于需要引用已定义类型的错误.

I have a netstandard2.0 project that I'm using to interface with a 3rd party web service. I need to reference that project from an older .net 4.6.2 project in the same solution, but when I do I get a bunch of errors about needing references to types that I have defined.


For example, I'll call a method in the netstandard library that returns Task, but I'll get an error saying I need a reference to System.Threading.Tasks even though I already have one.



I believe there are two issues here.

只有.netstandard的某些版本才能与.net 4.X.Y的某些版本一起使用

要解决此问题,您可能需要更改一个或两个项目的版本.使用图表确定哪些版本可以兼容: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/net-standard

To resolve this you may need to change the version of one or both projects. Use the chart to figure out which versions are compatible together: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/net-standard

  1. 选择您的项目
  2. 右键单击属性
  3. 在应用程序"标签上,使用目标框架"下拉菜单根据需要更改框架

.net 4.X.Y使用4.0.0.0系统库,而.netstandardX.Y使用4.3.0.0

要解决此问题,您需要添加并引用netstandard.library NuGet软件包.

To resolve this you need to add and reference the netstandard.library NuGet package.

  1. 选择您的项目
  2. 右键单击管理NuGet软件包..."
  3. 在浏览"标签上搜索"netstandard.library"
  4. 选择所需的版本并安装(我相信它基于您最终使用的.netstandard版本)
  5. 导航到每个参考错误,右键单击它,然后添加缺少的参考


06-03 08:16