

在BGL中,add_edge检查边是否已存在. add_vertex是否有相同的机制?例如,如果我们有一个包含某些bundled_properties的顶点,然后将其添加到图形中,然后将其连接到一条边,那么如果存在相似的顶点,该顶点是否会被复制?

In BGL, add_edge checks if the edge already exists. Is there the same mechanism for add_vertex?For example, if we have a vertex with some bundled_properties, and then we add it to the graph, and then connect an edge to it, would be this vertex duplicated if there was a similar vertex?



If you have two vertices with "similar properties", you decide whether you want to add another vertex with those properties or not.


You add edges by referring to vertex_descriptors. There is no way to "connect an edge to vertex properties". So, add_edge cannot accidentally create a new vertex using some property.

adjacency_list<> g;
add_edge(10, 11, g);

并没有真正添加12个顶点.它将顶点id域扩展为包含值11. 在Coliru上直播

doesn't really add 12 vertices. It extends the vertex id domain to encompass the value 11. Live On Coliru



Let's look at add_vertex:

The call is add_vertex and it adds a vertex. In fact, you don't usually insert properties for them, that's merely a convenience.


vertex_descriptor v = add_vertex(g);

g[v] = vertexProperties;


vertex_descriptor v = add_vertex(vertexProperties, g);


In both cases you will always get a new, unique, vertex descriptor, and have its properties set to a specific value.


Is add_edge really different? Like with add_vertex there is no difference between:

vertex_descriptor from {/*...*/}, to {/*...*/};
edge_descriptor e = add_edge(from, to, g).first;

g[e] = edgeProperties;


edge_descriptor e = add_edge(from, to, edgeProperties, g).first;


You will note that both (possibly) add an edge, returning its descriptor, and both set the properties to specific values.

为什么要add_edge 有条件地添加?


Why does add_edge conditionally add?

That's because the adjacency_list uses strategies that imply invariants that need to be checked:

  • 如果您的边缘容器选择恰好是setS,其插入方法可能会或可能不会插入新边; adjacency_lists<>只是将行为¹转发给add_edge
  • 如果您的adjacency_list也使用undirectedbidirectional,则会在边上放置更多约束(例如,防止在使用setS作为目标的双向图中添加(a->b)(b->a))边缘容器选择器).
  • if your edge-container selection happens to be e.g. setS, its insertion method may or may not insert a new edge; adjacency_lists<> just forwards the behaviour¹ to add_edge
  • if your adjacency_list uses undirected or bidirectional as well, this puts extra contraints on edges (e.g. preventing addition of (a->b) as well as (b->a) in a bidirectional graph that uses setS as the edge container selector).


add_edge 确实获取标识信息(端点顶点),并且可以对照实例化adjacency_list时选择的策略所产生的约束来检查这些信息.

add_edge does take identifying information (the endpoint vertices) and it can check these against the constraints that arise from the strategies that you chose when instantiating the adjacency_list.


¹ e.g. to elegantly avoid doubled edges


² or possibly other Random Access vertex container selectors, that have integral vertex descriptors that act as implicit vertex id


09-04 23:42