


I have a text file "list.txt" with a list of hundreds of URL's that I want to parse, along with some common-to-all config data, into individual xml files (config files) using each value in "list.txt", like so:


list.txt contains:



The boilerplate config data looks like (using line_1 as an example):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Website xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">


So if "list.txt" contains 100 items, I want 100 config files written with the URL and Title elements individualized.


I have fumbled with several posts on reading the array and on creating text files, but I haven't been able to make any of it work.


What I tried, although it's munged at this point. I'm not sure where I started or how I got to here:

$FileName = "C:\temp\list.txt"
$FileOriginal = Get-Content $FileName

# create an empty array
Foreach ($Line in $FileOriginal)
    $FileModified += $Line

    if ($Line -match $pattern)
        # Add Lines after the selected pattern
        $FileModified += 'add text'
        $FileModified += 'add second line text'
Set-Content $fileName $FileModified


This is way beyond my neophyte Powershell skills. Can anyone help out?



You're looking for a string-templating approach, where a string template that references a variable is instantiated on demand with the then-current variable value:

# Define the XML file content as a *template* string literal
# with - unexpanded - references to variable ${line}
# (The {...}, though not strictly necessary here,
# clearly delineates the variable name.)
$template = @'
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Website xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

# Loop over all input lines.
Get-Content C:\temp\list.txt | ForEach-Object {
   $line = $_ # store the line at hand in $line.
   # Expand the template based on the current $line value.
   $configFileContent = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($template)
   # Save the expanded template to an XML file.
   $configFileContent | Set-Content -Encoding Utf8 "$line.xml"


  • 我为输出XML文件选择了UTF-8编码,并将其命名为"$line.xml",即为每个输入行命名并将其存储在当前位置;根据需要进行调整.

  • I've chosen UTF-8 encoding for the output XML files, and to name them "$line.xml", i.e. to name them for each input line and to store them in the current location; adjust as needed.

执行模板扩展(插值)操作通过自动变量$ExecutionContext 进行操作,该变量的.InvokeCommand属性提供对 .ExpandString() 方法的访问,允许执行按需扩展字符串(插入),就像输入字符串是双引号一样-请参见此答案以获得详细示例.

The template expansion (interpolation) is performed via automatic variable $ExecutionContext, whose .InvokeCommand property provides access to the .ExpandString() method, which allows performing string expansion (interpolation) on demand, as if the input string were a double-quoted string - see this answer for a detailed example.

Ansgar Wiechers 指出,在这种简单情况下,更简单的选择-给定在模板扩展过程中仅传递单个信息-是使用PowerShell的字符串格式运算符-f 填写模板:

Ansgar Wiechers points out that a simpler alternative in this simple case - given that only a single piece of information is passed during template expansion - is to use PowerShell's string-formatting operator, -f to fill in the template:

# Define the XML file content as a *template* string literal
# with '{0}' as the placeholder for the line variable, to
# be instantiated via -f later.
$template = @'
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Website xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

# Loop over all input lines.
Get-Content C:\temp\list.txt | ForEach-Object {
   # Expand the template based on the current $line value.
   $configFileContent = $template -f $_
   # Save the expanded template to an XML file.
   $configFileContent | Set-Content -Encoding Utf8 "$line.xml"


Optional reading: choosing between -f and $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString() for template expansion:


  • 优点:

  • Advantages:

  • 在调用时明确指出将要填充哪些值.

  • It is made explicit on invocation what values will be filled in.

  • 此外,在占位符中包含格式设置指令也更容易(例如,{0:N2}用于格式化带小数点后两位的数字).

  • Additionally, it's easier to include formatting instructions in placeholders (e.g., {0:N2} to format numbers with 2 decimal places).


Passing the values explicitly allows easy reuse of a template in different scopes.


An error will occur by default if you accidentally pass too few or too many values.


  • -f占位符始终是位置和抽象;例如,{2}只是告诉您您正在处理 3rd 占位符,而没有告诉您有关其用途的任何信息;在具有多个占位符的较大模板中,这可能会成为问题.

  • -f placeholders are invariably positional and abstract; e.g., {2} simply tells you that you're dealing with the 3rd placeholder, but tells you nothing about its purpose; in larger templates with multiple placeholders, this can become an issue.


Even if you pass the right number of values, they may be in the wrong order, which can lead to subtle bugs.


  • 优点:

  • Advantages:

  • 如果变量具有描述性名称,则模板将更具可读性,因为占位符(变量名称)将指示其用途.

  • If your variables have descriptive names, your template will be more readable, because the placeholders - the variable names - will indicate their purpose.


No need to pass values explicitly on invocation - the expansion simply relies on the variables available in the current scope.


  • 如果在多个功能(作用域)中使用模板,则需要确保在模板中引用的变量均已设置.

  • If you use a template in multiple functions (scopes), you need to make sure that the variables referenced in the template are set in each.


At least by default, $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString() will quietly ignore nonexistent variables referenced in the template - which may or may not be desired.

  • However, you can use Set-StrictMode -Version 2 or higher to report an error instead; using Set-StrictMode is good practice in general, though note that its effect isn't lexically scoped and it can disable convenient functionality.

通常,您需要手动将模板与设置模板中引用变量的代码保持同步,以确保将正确的值填充(例如,如果引用变量的名称更改了) ,模板字符串也必须更新).

Generally, you manually need to keep your template in sync with the code that sets the variables referenced in the template, to ensure that the right values will be filled in (e.g., if the name of a referenced variable changes, the template string must be updated too).


08-24 08:39