


I have a file in my Android phone's external storage (emulated, in this case). Knowing the path to it and / or having a File object representing it, how can I use an Intent to open it in the appropriate app?


startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.fromFile(file)));


I'm sure this was working at one point, because I tested it and moved on to another part of the app. Now it always throws ActivityNotFoundException. The file definitely exists because file.exists() returns true and I know it's the right file, but no apps volunteer to open it.

我仍然可以通过这种方式打开的唯一文件类型是.pdf,尽管不是我设备上唯一安装的PDF阅读器且未设置为默认文件,但仍选择了Adobe Reader.我注意到Adobe Reader还提供了打开在线的pdf文件的功能(它似乎替代了用Chrome下载pdf的方式).这向我表明,只有Adobe Reader被发现是Intent的匹配项,因为该位置被认为是远程的(尽管不是在线的,因为未列出Chrome和其他文件下载应用程序).

The only type of file I can still open this way is .pdf, for which Adobe Reader is selected, despite not being the only PDF reader installed on my device and not having been set default. I've noticed that Adobe Reader also offers to open pdf files which are located online (it appears as an alternative to downloading the pdf with Chrome). This suggests to me that only Adobe Reader is being found as a match for the Intent because the location is thought to be remote (though not online, because Chrome and other file downloading apps aren't listed as alternatives).


I've also tried explicitly stating the MIME type:

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(file), "application/msword");


Setting the MIME type explicitly would have worked, but I made a very stupid mistake, which I should probably explain in an answer.

And as for it working in the past, could updating Eclipse, the SDK Tools plugin and the Android SDK itself have stopped my original solution from working?



When I tried setDataAndType, out of laziness I must have left:

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.fromFile(file));


Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.fromFile(file));


...assuming that it would be the same as:

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(file), theMimeType);


I must have then forgotten that I hadn't actually tried setDataAndType and gone on to write this question. Using setType on its own seemed to remove the Uri I'd passed as an argument to the constructor. Using LogCat to view the logged details of the intents, I saw that leaving the MIME type to be inferred resulted in no type, using setType after already setting a Uri resulted in no Uri being specified for some reason, and using setDataAndType meant they were both specified, causing the Intent to work properly.


So what I was doing wrong was setting the type and data separately, instead of using setDataAndType.


08-04 13:14