


I've got an NSTextView subclass acting as its NSTextStorage delegate. I'm trying to do 2 things:

  1. 以某些方式突出显示文本
  2. 评估文本,然后将答案附加到textview.

我正在通过两种不同的方法执行此操作,这两种方法均由- (void)textStorageWillProcessEditing:(NSNotification *)notification委托回调调用.

I'm doing this in two different methods, both invoked by the - (void)textStorageWillProcessEditing:(NSNotification *)notification delegate callback.


I can do the syntax highlighting just fine, but when it comes to appending my answer, the insertion point jumps to the end of the line and I don't really know why. My evaluate method looks like the following:

NSString *result = ..;
NSRange lineRange = [[textStorage string] lineRangeForRange:[self selectedRange]];
NSString *line = [[textStorage string] substringWithRange:lineRange];
line = [self appendResult:result toLine:line]; // appends the answer

[textStorage replaceCharactersInRange:lineRange withString:line];


Doing that will append my result just fine, but the problem is, as mentioned, the insertion point jumps to the end.


  1. 将上述内容包装在[textStorage beginEditing]-endEditing中.
  2. 在更改文本存储之前保存选择范围(即插入点),以便以后可以重置它,但没有骰子.
  1. Wrapping those above calls up in [textStorage beginEditing] and -endEditing.
  2. Saving the selection range (i.e., the insertion point) before changing the text storage so I can reset it afterwards, but no dice.


Am I doing this right? I'm trying to do this the least hackish way, and I'm also unsure if this is the ideal place to be doing my parsing/highlighting. The docs lead me to believe this, but maybe it's wrong.




Reason for the insertion point to move

Suprisingly, I never found an actual explanation to why these suggestion do (or do not) work.


Digging into it, the reason for the insertion point to move is: .editedCharacters (NSTextStorageEditedCharacters in ObjC)affects the position of the insertion point from NSLayoutManager.processEditing(from:editedMask:...).


If only .editedAttributes/NSTextStorageEditedAttributes is sent, the insertion point will not be touched. This is what you will want to achieve when you highlight: change attributes only.

突出显示问题是,NSTextStorage在单个处理运行期间收集所有edited调用并合并范围,从用户编辑的更改开始(例如,键入时插入) ,然后形成该值与addAttributes(_:range:)报告的所有范围的并集.这样会导致一个NSLayoutManager.processEditing(from:editedMask:...)调用-两个[.editedCharacters, .editedAttributes]editedMask.

The problem with highlighting here is that NSTextStorage collects all edited calls during a single processing run and combines the ranges, starting with the user-edited change (e.g. the insertion when typing), then forming a union of this and all ranges reported by addAttributes(_:range:). This results in one single NSLayoutManager.processEditing(from:editedMask:...) call -- with an editedMask of both [.editedCharacters, .editedAttributes].


So you want to send .editedAttributes for the highlighted ranges but end up forming a union with .editedCharacters instead. That union moves the insertion point waaaaaaaay beyond where it should go.


Changing the order in processEditing to call super first works because the layout manager will be notified of a finished edit. But this approach will still break for some edge cases, resulting in invalid layout or jiggling scroll views while you type in very large paragraphs.



The only solution that will work robustly based on reasons inherent to the Cocoa framework is to perform highlighting from textDidChange(_:) exclusively, i.e. after the layout processing really has been finished. Subscribing to NSTextDidChangeNotification work just as well.


Downside: you have to trigger highlighting passes for programmatic changes to the underlying string as these will not invoke the textDidChange(_:) callback.

如果您想更多地了解问题的根源,我将在更长的博客文章中投入更多的研究,不同的方法以及解决方案的详细信息,以供参考.该帖子本身仍然是一个独立的解决方案: http://christiantietze.de/posts/2017/11/syntax-highlight-nstextstorage-insertion-point-change/

In case you want to know more about the source of the problem, I put more my research, different approaches, and details of the solution in a much longer blog post for reference. This post is still a self-contained solution in itself: http://christiantietze.de/posts/2017/11/syntax-highlight-nstextstorage-insertion-point-change/


09-02 09:51