

我有一个一个标签,链接到另一个页面。当用户点击这个链接,我有一个 mouseDown 事件触发,它应用一个 translateZ 到元素。

I've got an a tag, which links to another page. When the user clicks on this link, I have a mouseDown event fire, which applies a little translateZ to the element.

奇怪的是,在 translateZ 之后,鼠标向上或点击事件火。

Strangely though, after the translateZ, the mouse up or click event (which relies on mouseup) doesn't fire.


Seems to work fine in Firefox, but not chrome.


Here is a little jsfiddle showing my problem: http://jsfiddle.net/8LMzb/9/



Since this works in firefox, I'm not quite sure that its a chrome bug, or expected behavior.. nor whether this fix will continue to work. What I've done, is not apply any perspective to the transform until the mousedown event is fired, this, somehow allows the mouseup event to fire, and links to work.

Relavent fiddle:

Relavent fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/8LMzb/152/


09-02 06:45