


According to Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_languages_by_number_of_native_speakers) Bengali is the 7th Language of the World in terms of number of native speakers (more than 200 million). But it is not included in Bing translator! (https://www.bing.com/translator/)

您能告诉我原因吗? Bing翻译器中有50种语言,但忽略了第7位的语言。 Google长期提供孟加拉语翻译服务。为什么不Bing?!

Could you please let me know the reason for that? You have 50 languages in Bing translator but yet ignoring the language which is present in the 7th position. Google is providing Bengali translation for a long time. Why not Bing?!



thanks for the request. Indeed we should be covering Bengali.

今天不覆盖它的原因是相对少量的可用培训材料。您知道统计机器翻译系统(如Microsoft Translator)会消耗大量以前翻译过的材料,以便学习

The reason for not covering it today is the relatively small amount of available training material. You know that a statistical machine translation system, like Microsoft Translator, consumes large amounts of previously translated material in order to learn to translate. At this moment we don't have enough material to produce a decent translation system. We are not far away though, so hopefully we can provide a Bengali system soon.

Microsoft Translator允许您使用Bing Translator中尚未提供的语言构建您自己的机器翻译系统:https://hub.microsofttranslator.com。

Microsoft Translator allows you to build your own machine translation system in languages that aren't yet available in Bing Translator: https://hub.microsofttranslator.com.

Chris Wendt

Microsoft Translator

Chris Wendt
Microsoft Translator


10-22 09:53