本文介绍了如何在 iOS 上使用 Phonegap 正确检测方向变化?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在下面找到了这个方向测试代码,以寻找 JQTouch 参考资料.这在移动 Safari 上的 iOS 模拟器中可以正常工作,但在 Phonegap 中无法正确处理.我的项目遇到了杀死这个测试页面的同样问题.有没有办法在 Phonegap 中使用 JavaScript 来感知方向变化?

I found this orientation test code below looking for JQTouch reference material. This works correctly in the iOS simulator on mobile Safari but doesn’t get handled correctly in Phonegap. My project is running into the same issue that is killing this test page. Is there a way to sense the orientation change using JavaScript in Phonegap?

window.onorientationchange = function() {
  /*window.orientation returns a value that indicates whether iPhone is in portrait mode, landscape mode with the screen turned to the
    left, or landscape mode with the screen turned to the right. */
  var orientation = window.orientation;
  switch (orientation) {
    case 0:
      /* If in portrait mode, sets the body's class attribute to portrait. Consequently, all style definitions matching the body[class="portrait"] declaration
         in the iPhoneOrientation.css file will be selected and used to style "Handling iPhone or iPod touch Orientation Events". */
      document.body.setAttribute("class", "portrait");

      /* Add a descriptive message on "Handling iPhone or iPod touch Orientation Events"  */
      document.getElementById("currentOrientation").innerHTML = "Now in portrait orientation (Home button on the bottom).";

    case 90:
      /* If in landscape mode with the screen turned to the left, sets the body's class attribute to landscapeLeft. In this case, all style definitions matching the
         body[class="landscapeLeft"] declaration in the iPhoneOrientation.css file will be selected and used to style "Handling iPhone or iPod touch Orientation Events". */
      document.body.setAttribute("class", "landscape");

      document.getElementById("currentOrientation").innerHTML = "Now in landscape orientation and turned to the left (Home button to the right).";

    case -90:
      /* If in landscape mode with the screen turned to the right, sets the body's class attribute to landscapeRight. Here, all style definitions matching the
         body[class="landscapeRight"] declaration in the iPhoneOrientation.css file will be selected and used to style "Handling iPhone or iPod touch Orientation Events". */
      document.body.setAttribute("class", "landscape");

      document.getElementById("currentOrientation").innerHTML = "Now in landscape orientation and turned to the right (Home button to the left).";



function doOnOrientationChange() {
    switch(window.orientation) {
      case -90: case 90:

window.addEventListener('orientationchange', doOnOrientationChange);

// Initial execution if needed

2019 年 5 月更新: window.orientation 是一项已弃用的功能,大多数浏览器都不支持 根据 MDN.orientationchange 事件是 与 window.orientation 相关联,因此可能不应该使用.

Update May 2019: window.orientation is a deprecated feature and not supported by most browsers according to MDN. The orientationchange event is associated with window.orientation and therefore should probably not be used.

这篇关于如何在 iOS 上使用 Phonegap 正确检测方向变化?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-16 06:37