

在使用意图对象,我们可以把不同类型的数据直接使用其 putExtra()。我们也可以把这些额外的数据放入捆绑对象,并将其添加到意图。那么,为什么我们需要捆绑如果我们能做到这一点使用意图直接?

While using Intent object we can put different types of data directly using its putExtra(). We can also put these extra data into a Bundle object and add it to Intent. So why do we need Bundle if we can do so using Intent directly?



Sometimes you need to pass only a few variables or values to some Other Activity, but what if you have a bunch of variable's or values that you need to pass to various Activities. In that case you can use Bundle and pass the Bundle to the required Activity with ease. Instead of passing single variable's every time.


09-18 15:12