I have a Swift project where I want to attach a method to a UIButton's tap event. I have the following code:
class MyClass {
let myButton = UIButton(frame: CGRectMake(50, 50, 100, 50))
init() {
myButton.addTarget(self, #selector(self.didTap(_:)), forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)
func didTap(sender: UIButton) {
XCode突出显示我的 addTarget
XCode highlights my addTarget
line and says:
Argument of '#selector' refers to a method that is not exposed to Objective-C
如果我将 @objc
前缀添加到我的 func didTap
If I add the @objc
prefix to my func didTap
like it suggests then everything works fine.
Do I have something enabled in my build settings which is causing this strange behaviour?
PS。我在7.3.1中得到了这种行为。但是如果我在7.2.1中尝试这个,它不接受 #selector(method(_:))
语法,并且选择器(方法 :)
PS. I get this behaviour in 7.3.1. But if I try this in 7.2.1 it doesn't accept the #selector(method(_:))
syntax, and Selector("method:")
works fine.
Selectors are a feature of Objective-C and can only be used with methods that are exposed to the dynamic Obj-C runtime. You can't have a selector to a pure Swift method.
如果你的类继承自 NSObject
那么它的公开方法自动暴露给Obj-C。由于您的类不继承自 NSObject
,您必须使用 @objc
If your class inherits from NSObject
then its public methods are exposed to Obj-C automatically. Since your class does not inherit from NSObject
you have to use the @objc
attribute to indicate that you want this method exposed to Obj-C so that it may be called with an Obj-C selector.
是Swift 2.2中的新语法。它允许编译器检查您尝试使用的选择器是否确实存在。旧语法已弃用,将在Swift 3.0中删除。
is the new syntax in Swift 2.2. It allows the compiler to check that the selector you're trying to use actually exists. The old syntax is deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3.0.