


I wanted to try out creating an Angular 2 app with angular-cli (https://github.com/angular/angular-cli) and then use ng2-material (https://github.com/justindujardin/ng2-material) for UI components. But I just don't understand how / where I have to include the ng2-material library in order to use it.

我创建了项目纳克新的myproject 然后我用启动服务器纳克服务,打开网页哪些刚刚制定了罚款。下一步,我安装NG2-材料 NPM安装NG2材料--save 。然后,我添加 MATERIAL_PROVIDERS 来角度的引导为如下所示的.

I created a project with ng new myproject then I started the server with ng serve and opened the webpage which just worked out fine. Next step, I installed ng2-material with npm install ng2-material --save. Then I added MATERIAL_PROVIDERS to angular's bootstrap as is shown here https://github.com/AngularShowcase/angular2-seed-ng2-material/blob/master/app/bootstrap.ts.

这将导致一个错误信息 GET HTTP://本地主机:4200 / NG2材料/所有404(未找到)在Web浏览器,我只是'吨找出如何摆脱它。

This results in an error message GET http://localhost:4200/ng2-material/all 404 (Not Found) in the web browser, and I just can't figure out how to get rid of it.

角CLI似乎是在做什么来创建一个 DIST -folder在一些是在使用节点模块的index.html结束了,但我看不出,或者是如何配置的。

angular-cli seems to be doing something to create a dist-folder where some of the node modules that are used in the index.html end up in, but I don't see where or how that's configured.



烬-CLI-build.js ,您的依赖添加到的 vendorNpmFiles 的,例如

In the ember-cli-build.js, you add the dependency to the vendorNpmFiles, e.g.

module.exports = function (defaults) {
  var app = new Angular2App(defaults, {
      vendorNpmFiles: [
  return app.toTree();

(其中的 A2-内存的Web-API / WEB-api.js 的是在一个文件中我的 node_modules 的文件夹)

(where a2-in-memory-web-api/web-api.js is a file in my node_modules folder)


<script src="vendor/a2-in-memory-web-api/web-api.js"></script>


Finally you restart your server.


Haven't tested it with angular material but you get the idea.


09-26 05:21