本文介绍了改善计数,CountIF Google表格公式的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have created a google sheets. There are multiple sheets (Tabs) inside single google sheet.

我有一张叫 Dashboard

还有其他工作表,例如 kkweb virtual .当前除仪表板外还有2张其他工作表.所有2张纸都具有相同的列&结构,即使新的工作表也将具有相同的列&结构.

There are other sheets like kkweb, virtual. Currently there are 2 other sheets except dashboard. All the 2 sheets has same columns & structure, Even new sheets will have same columns & structure.

我想在 dashboard 工作表上执行一些计算.

I want to perform some calculations on dashboard sheet.

  1. 计算任务总数

= COUNT(kkweb!B5:B,虚拟!B5:B)

  1. 计算新请求"总数



Note: My above formulas are working perfectly, But I'm going to have like 20+ sheets instead of 2. So my count formula will be like

= COUNT(kkweb!B5:B,虚拟!B5:B,Sheet3!B5:B,Sheet4!B5:B,Sheet5!B5:B,Sheet6!B5:B,Sheet7!B5:B)


It will be very long for all of my formulas, every time a new sheet comes.




Secondly, How can i calculate value based on other column from all sheets.

例如: =(COUNTIF(kkweb!D5:D,"New Requests"))此公式用于计算D5:D中值为 New Requests 的位置kkweb工作表.我还有另一列C5:C,其中包含名称"John","Katrina"等

For example: =(COUNTIF(kkweb!D5:D,"New Requests")) This formulae is counting where value is New Requests from D5:D in kkweb sheet. I have another column C5:C which contains names "John", "Katrina" etc


So basically I want to check how many count of New Requests are for "John"



there are several ways how to solve this. it depends on how far you want to go, eg. which route you prefer. internally there is no formula to detect sheet names so for that you will need a script. there are several for example:

function SNAME(option) {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet()
  var thisSheet = sheet.getName();
  if(option === 0){                  // ACTIVE SHEET NAME =SNAME(0)
    return thisSheet;
  }else if(option === 1){            // ALL SHEET NAMES =SNAME(1)
    var sheetList = [];
    return sheetList;
  }else if(option === 2){            // SPREADSHEET NAME =SNAME(2)
    return ss.getName();
    return "#N/A";                   // ERROR MESSAGE


then you can build upon it and create for example a string generator



or even full formula ready to be copy-pasted:

=ARRAYFORMULA("=COUNT('"&TEXTJOIN(",'", 1, SNAME(1)&"'!B5:B")&")")


of course, it can be fully managed via script if you are skilled in JS and have it run with some fancy onOpen/onEdit or time trigger

对于约翰/卡特里娜飓风问题,您可以使用 COUNTIFS 代替 COUNTIF .在那里,您可以定义多个条件来获得所需的计数.例如:

as for the John/Katrina issue you can use COUNTIFS instead of COUNTIF. there you can define multiple criteria to get your desired count. for example:

=COUNTIFS(kkweb!D5:D, "New Requests", kkweb!E5:E, "John")

这篇关于改善计数,CountIF Google表格公式的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-18 17:26