


Tango pose.status_code always remains VALID after localization even if the device steps out of the ADF.


How do I know if the device has moved out of the ADF?

我已经尝试过同时使用AreaLearningMode = enabled和& Loading Existing ADFFramePair的所有组合;但是在这两种情况下,即使我们走出ADF,pose.status_code始终都是VALID.

I have tried with both AreaLearningMode = enabled & Loading Existing ADFand all combinations of FramePair; but in both cases pose.status_code is always VALID even if we step out of the ADF.



It's intended to have ADF pose status to be valid even after device is out of ADF area. Under the hood, ADF pose is just a motion tracking pose with ADF's transformation correction on top of that. Thus even if it's out of the ADF, as long as motion tracking is working fine, it can still produce valid pose.


To check if device is out of an ADF, the easiest way is to listen to ADF_T_StartOfService frame. With a healthy/well-constructed ADF, you should be able to see this framepair constantly produce callbacks. Each callback indicates a "frame match". If there's no "frame match" after certain period of time, it's pretty safe to say that either user is out of an ADF or the area is deprecated (visual feature changed)

检查ADF边界的另一种方法是用记录的路径记录保存文件,Tango API没有像这样的内置功能.因此,必须从应用程序级别完成.

Other method to check ADF boundary is to save a file with the trajactory of recorded path, there's no built-in feature like this from Tango API. Thus it has to be done from the app level.


10-30 19:19