

通过Catalog Staging Service复制目录时,不会自动在目标的Web服务目录授权存储中创建目录范围。 因此,当尝试通过Catalog Manager查看新复制的目录
时,将引发错误并且无法查看内容。 错误如下:

When replicating a catalog via the Catalog Staging Service the catalog scopes aren't automatically created in the destination's catalog authorization store for the web service.  As a result, when trying to view the newly replicated catalog through Catalog Manager, an error is thrown and the contents cannot be viewed.  The error is as follows:

Microsoft.CommerceServer.ServerFaultException:无法检索名为CatalogScope_< CatalogName的AzMan Scope >

Microsoft.CommerceServer.ServerFaultException: Failed to retrieve the AzMan Scope named CatalogScope_<CatalogName>

我们找到了一种解决方法,如果您尝试编辑目录,则会显示目录范围。 &NBSP;这似乎是不可取的,并且尝试查看目录应该将任何缺少的目录范围解析为
well。  据我所知,看起来是CatalogManager中的错误。 其他任何人都有另一个更好的解决方法,或者是否有一些我会在处理此问题的暂存服务中缺少的东西?

We've found a workaround where if you try to attempt to edit the catalog, then the catalog scope appears to be created.  It seems that this is undesirable, and that attempting to view the catalog should resolve any missing catalog scopes as well.  Looks to be a bug in the CatalogManager as far as I can tell.  Anyone else have another workaround that is better, or is there something I'm missing with the Staging Services that will handle this issue?


  - Scott 

 - Scott 


CSS不会在Commerce Server 2007的CatalogAuthorizationStore.xml中复制范围信息 


- Scott

- Scott


10-27 02:00