


I am trying to write a small application in Android. My application is on Widgets. I have a basic doubt on using RemoteViews. I found that whenever , I update some button or some UI layout a new object of the remoteviews is created . Will that be a problem with the performance? an example code is this:

updateViews = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(), R.layout.widget_message);


even for updating the views everytime, new remoteview object is created. Please help me in understanding this.



No it isn't a problem. I'm working with StackViewsWidget example to build a honeycomb widget that has a RemoteViews for each card in the deck of views that shuffle buy, and each card is recycled and rebuilt from what I can tell in the debugger, and it's smooth as butter flipping through the views on my Xoom.


09-16 12:08