

我在Windows上安装了PyCharm 2.7.3,我正尝试在Linux计算机上远程开发应用程序。

I have PyCharm 2.7.3 installed on Windows, and I am trying to remotely develop an application on a Linux machine.


So far I can run simple programs, however I'm trying to set my PYTHONPATH and it seems that PyCharm specifically ignores this configuration.

在我的运行配置下,我尝试设置 PYTHONPATH = / path / to / my / libs ,但是,如果我通过 os.environ 从Python打印此环境变量,它将被忽略。如果我设置了另一个环境变量,例如 ASDF = 42 ,则将按预期方式打印该值-因此PYTHONPATH有点特殊。

Under my run configuration, I've tried setting PYTHONPATH=/path/to/my/libs, however if I print this environment variable from Python through os.environ, it is ignored. If I set another environment variable, for example ASDF=42, the value is printed as expected - so it's something special with PYTHONPATH.


Under interpreters, I tried adding it under the Paths tab, but this tab only supports Windows paths, so it seems to be local only.

import os

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print os.environ['PYTHONPATH']
    print os.environ

该程序第一行的输出根据运行配置中的复选框而变化,所有这些均 PYTHONPATH = / path / to / my / libs

The output of the first line of this program changes based on check boxes in the run config, all with PYTHONPATH=/path/to/my/libs

使用将内容根添加到PYTHONPATH 将源根添加到PYTHONPATH 中,然后 PYTHONPATH = / path / to / my / libs ,输出的第一行是项目的远程根目录-但仍然不是我的lib目录。

With Add content roots to PYTHONPATH and Add source roots to PYTHONPATH checked, and PYTHONPATH=/path/to/my/libs, the first line of output is the remote root of my project - but still not my lib directory.

如果我取消选中源根目录框,则路径将保持空白(但变量设置为空stri ng)。

If I uncheck the source roots box, the path remains empty (but the variable is set, to the empty string).




I believe this is a bug in PyCharm, but in the meantime, I've found a workaround.


The heart of the issue is that with a remote interpreter, the Path configure dialog is for the local machine, not the remote machine. So the solution is to set up deployment to the remote machine, and map local folders to path folders on the remote machine.


In the paths tab, add empty windows folders to your project, representing each of the lib directories, then in Tools -> Deployment -> Configuration, map those directories to your lib directories.

ie。如果您在 / my / fancy / python / lib 中有一个lib,请创建一个文件夹 C:\IdeaProjects\MyProject\my_fancy_python_lib ,然后在部署配置中创建到 / my / fancy / python / lib 的映射。

ie. if you have a lib in /my/fancy/python/lib, create a folder C:\IdeaProjects\MyProject\my_fancy_python_lib, and then create a mapping to /my/fancy/python/lib in the deployment configuration.



Someone filed a bug report for it here (I posted my answer there too): http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-10739


09-05 09:57